常用句子1. I can"t miss the eight o"clock train. I"m going to Beijing on business.我不能错过8点钟的火车。我要出差去北京。 2. I"m sure it"s with the assistant again this time.我确定这次还是和助理一起。 3. Nothing is more stressful than going on a business trip with our boss.没有比和我们老板一起出差更让人有压力的事了。 4. They scheduled the negotiations for ten tomorrow morning.他们把谈判安排在明天10点。 5. There are still several things that haven"t been decided yet for the business trip.关于出差的事情有些仍没有决定。 6. Last time he went on a business trip with the boss, he didn"t even have enough to eat.上次他和老板一起出差,他甚至没吃饱。 7. The first thing you will do is to look for a comfortable hotel.你首先要做的就是找一个舒适的旅馆。 8. You don"t know how tight the schedule is for this business trip.你不知道这次出差行程安排得多紧张。 9. Quite often I have to play host to them though it is their home territory.尽管是在他们的地盘上,我还是得常常做东。 10. Nothing has been decided yet. Why hurry?什么都还没有决定呢。干嘛要着急呢? 11.The company is sometimes very stingy with the travel expenses.公司有时在出差费用上非常小气。 12.He likes to take an occasional business trip for a change.他喜欢偶尔出差一次,来点改变。 13.On this trip, he has to visit several important customers.这次出差他要拜访几位重要客户。
情景对话A:Hello, Vicky. How about your business trip? 嗨,维基,你出差的情况怎么样了? B:Too bad. 太糟了。 A:What"s up? 发生什么事? B:Actually, the trip itself was very successful. Our team arrived on time, we had great conver
sations and we dealt with some important issues for the next year. 事实上,这次的出差是非常成功的。我们组准时到达,不仅会话愉快,而且我们解决了明年的一些重要的问题。 A:Sounds great. Why do you call it too bad then? 听起来很成功,为什么你说糟糕呢? B:Well, the air line lost my bag on the return flight and then I lost my laptop when I was talking with the officers in charge. 哎,在返程班机上,航空公司把我的手提包弄丢了,然后我在和主管人员谈话时,我的笔记本
电脑丢失了。 A:Oh my God! It sounds terrible! 哦,天哪,真是不幸啊! B:left the airport six hours later than I expected and then I was caught in a traffic jam. 我比预期的还要晚6个钟头离开机场,接着我遇到交通阻塞。 A:So you must be exhausted on your way. 那么路上你一定累坏了。 B:Yup. When I finally got home, I was totally exhausted. But I was trapped inside an elevator during the blackout. 对啊,当我终到家时,我筋疲力尽了。但是停电时,我被关在电梯里。 A:This is really a sad story. Did they trace back your bag and laptop? 情况真是糟糕。他们找回你的手提包和电脑了吗? B:I am still waiting for their calls. 我仍然在等他们的电话。 A:Take it easy. Everything will be OK. 别着急,一切都会好的。