人民币升值是相对于其他货币而言的,就好像一元人民币可以买到更多美元。 通俗的意思就是说,中国人的钱值钱了,比如在国际市场(只有在国际市场上才能体现出人民币的购买力增强了)上原来一元人民币只能买到一单位商品,人民币升值后就能买到更多单位的商品了,人民币升值或贬值是由汇率直观反映出来的。人民币升值用最通俗的话讲就是人民币的购买力增强。换句话说就是你以前用一美元能换8.27元人民币,现在只能换6.5元人民币,而且人民币还在持续升值中。那么,
人民币升值英语怎么说呢?What is appreciation of the RMB什么是人民币升值Revalue Yuan or not? This has been one of the hottest topics for the past decade and it has become an issue not only for Chinese policymakers but other governments around the world. The G20 summit of leaders from major developed and developing economies and the worsening of the European sovereign debt crisis have complicated the discussion of the Yuan’s appreciation, with Chinese economists divided on the timing of the process. While some argue that appreciation would do more harm than good, others urge the opportunity be seized to accelerate the process of making the Yuan fully convertible.It is not time for Yuan appreciation. Yuan appreciation would benefit China"s imports of products from machinery to resources, but the benefit would be limited compared with the damage to the overall economy. China has, for example, suffered from overcapacity in sectors such as iron and steel, and cheaper imports as a result of Yuan appreciation would only worsen the situation.Yuan appreciation will benefit rich people in China, but it will do little to help improve the livelihoods of the poor. It would only widen the gap, which would contribute to social problems.If the Yuan appreciates against the dollar, expectations of further gains in the value of the Yuan would lead to increased capital inflows, which would bring financial instability and would endanger China’s financial security.What has largely been ignored by many people is that Yuan appreciation would facilitate imports of agricultural products, which would be disastrous for China’s more than 500 million farmers. Although the country’s entry into the World Trade Organization did not have a major impact on domestic farming, Yuan appreciation would have a more adverse effect on the industry, leading to more job losses.The sharp decline of the euro against the dollar and other major currencies means that the Yuan has effectively appreciated. Many people no longer expect the Yuan to resume its appreciation against the dollar, at least not in the next few months.However, as long as the markets calm down and the euro stabilizes, we think China could still start to de-link the Yuan from the dollar. The move would most likely be a return to some sort of a basket with a widening trading band against the dollar. Initially we expect the Yuan to appreciate against the dollar, but the increased flexibility could allow the exchange rate to move both ways, giving China more room to maneuver in the future.人民币升值的好处包括:增强我国的购买力(purchasing power);吸引大量资本进入中国市场;促使中国的产业结构(industry structure)从劳动密集型(labor intensive)向高附加值(high value-added)为主的方向转化;为人民币走向世界打下基础;社会福利(social welfare)直接提高。人民币升值的弊端包括:国家的外汇储备(foreign exchange reserve)随着升值幅度多少,相应损失多少;产品出口(commodity export)数量减少;在一定程度上影响我国的劳务输出(export of labor);导致进口增加,缩小我国的贸易顺差额(trade surplus);银行坏账(bad debt)上升,带来失业(unemployment)问题。