
2023-01-08 13:28:41 来源:教育联播网


这个世界上,超人是不存在的。桑普拉斯不是神,也不是架“网球机器”,而是个有血有肉的人。在创造历史、开启统治时代、赢得对手和专业人士尊敬之余,他身为主角上演了一幕幕动人的场景。不可避免地,他遭遇过危机,也对自己产生过怀疑,但关键时刻,他超越常人的意志力总能演绎“奇迹”。那么,桑普拉斯怎么突然这么有名呢?About Sampras关于桑普拉斯Petros “Pete” Sampras is a retired American tennis player and former World No. 1. During his 15-year tour career, he won 14 Grand Slam singles titles, which at the time of his retirement was the most that any male player had achieved. He was surpassed by Roger Federer in 2009.Sampras debuted on the professional tour in 1988 and played his last top-level tournament in 2002 when he won the US Open, defeating rival Andre Agassi in the final. He was the year-end World No. 1 for six consecutive years (1993–1998), a record for the open era. His seven Wimbledon singles championships is a record shared with William Renshaw. He spent 286 weeks at number 1, the most of any player. His five US Open singles titles is an open-era record shared with former World No. 1 players Jimmy Connors and Federer. He won five ATP World Tour Finals a record shared with Ivan Lendl and Federer. Sampras is the last American male to win Wimbledon (2000) and ATP World Tour Finals (1999). He is arguably the greatest tennis players of all time.皮特・桑普拉斯是一代世界球王,温布尔顿永远的国王。有史以来最好的草地球员。14个大满贯得主。很多次,桑普拉斯提到,自己的偶像是纵横PGA多年的高尔夫名将尼古拉斯,事实上,无论是专业人士还是忠实球迷,都把他看作网坛的尼古拉斯。甚至,因为时代的关系,桑普拉斯在全球范围的知名度,更在其偶像之上。自从1990年年仅19岁时赢得里程碑式的第一个大满贯――美国公开赛的男单冠军,桑普拉斯与大满贯就此结下了“情缘”。他也一直以此为奋斗目标,孜孜不倦。10年之后的温布尔顿,桑普拉斯的大满贯奖杯积累到了13座,那实在是值得纪念的一项赛事,他因此成为有史以来获得最多大满贯赛事单打冠军的男子网球选手。这还没完,2002年的美国公开赛,桑普拉斯“出人意料”地在决赛中击败阿加西,把职业生涯的大满贯冠军数字定格在了14个,更重要的是,从美网起步,到美网结束,仿佛一个圆满的句号,勾勒出球员浓墨重彩、收获累累的职业生涯。
关键词: 桑普拉斯 尼古拉斯
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