
2023-01-11 13:45:11 来源:教育之家


英语口语的特点对于练习英语口语来说.无论是一个人的独白,还是两个人对话,或者是多个人讨论,多数情况下都是没有稿子的即席讲话。与 用笔头表达的英语相比,英语口语具有一些比较明显的特征。由于口头表达的英语通常是没有事先准备的,说话的人边说边想,断断续 续地说,因而遗漏、重复、出错、纠错、颠三倒四、打结巴、有头无 尾等情况的产生是不可避免的。  另一方面,从语言本身的特点来看,以下几个方面比较突出:  口语中多用日常生活中的“小词”而不用文气十足的“大词” ,从文体的角度来说比较随意。  句子比较简短,常用省略句,结构偏于简单,语法上有时也不够严谨,例如:It"s me (I). Who (Whom) do you want to see?  使用缩略形式(如:We"ve, they"d, there"s等)在口语中是屡见不鲜的。  在口语里反意问句也用得比较多,例如:It"s a nice day, isn"tit?  人们在说话时还有一些“口头禅”,像You see, you know, Imean, let me see, sort of, things like that,等等。  在英语口语中,一些代表不同意思的非实意词也是常见的,如well, eh, ah,等等。  口语中口头语(colloquialisms)、习语(idioms)用得比较多, 有时也用一些俗语(slang),这段对话就表现出许多上述特点:  The Things They Say!  A: A First-class Honours in chemistry, eh, Dick? I expectyou"ve been offered plenty of jobs.  B: Yes, but unfortunately most of them have been in industry.  A: What"s so unfortunate about that?  B: Well, I"d like to go on doing the kind of research we do at the University. Industrial research holds no attractionsfor me.  A:Why not? I used to think like you, but now I"ve seenthat research in industry is just as satisfying. Think ofthe values industrial research can bring to manufacturing,farming, medicine and so on.  B: Perhapsyou"re right, but I"d prefer to continue doingpure research一pursuing knowledge for its own sake, youknow.  A: Maybe, but whether you work in a university or in an in-dustrial laboratory you"ll be employing the same scientificmethod, the same mental approach一and is there any-thing derogatory in acquiring scientific knowledge to useit for practical ends?  B: I don"t suppose there is, really.  A: Of course there isn"t. And you may even find people en-gaged in doing fundamental work in industry who haveacquired international recognition in their particularfields.  标签:英语口语的特点,英语口语的特点
关键词: 英语口语
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