
2023-01-20 10:38:20 来源:教育联播网


当你的朋友在追求理想和获得成功的时候,你一定会送上一句衷心的祝贺或祝愿。     1.Good luck!   祝你好运!   2. Congratulations!   祝贺你!   3. Congratulations on your promotion!   恭喜你荣升!   4. Have a good time!   祝你玩得开心!   5. I wish you a pleasant journey!   祝你旅途偷快!   6.bon voyage   一路平安!   7. I wish you success!   祝你马到成功  对话1Congratulations on your promotion!   A:Bill,I hear you are being transferred to our head office in New Yorkto fill the position of General Engineer. Congratulations on your promotion!   B:Thank you Judy!I really enjoy the time we worked together.   A:Me too!I"m a little bit sad to see you leave.But I know you are the right person for the job.   B:I"ll miss you. I believe our friendsnip will go on. Let"s just keep in touch!   中文对照1   A:比尔,我听说你要被调到咱们的纽约总部去填补总工程师的空缺。恭喜你荣升!   B:谢谢你,朱蒂。咱们一起共事的日子我很愉快。   A:我也是!看你要走我还真有点舍不得。但我知道你是适合的人选。   B:我会想你的。我相信我们的友谊会很长久。咱们保持联系吧 对话2Bon voyage!   A: Do you have any plan for your vacation?   B: Yes, I registered in a travel agency and I"m going to zhangjiajieA: I"ve heard about Zhangjiajie. That"s a beautiful place.Bon voyage!   B: Thank you! I"ll send you postcards from there.   中文对照2   A:你的假期有什么安排吗?   B:我在旅行社注册了,要去张家界旅行。   A:哦,我听说过张家界,那可是个美丽的地方。祝你旅途愉快!   B:谢谢。我会从那里给你寄明信片的。   ►注释:"Bon voyage”本是一句法文,英语中借用,意同“Have a good trip!" 以上是由上海英语学校小编为您整理的祝贺用英语怎么说的全部内容。
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