常用词句a biased/ prejudiced view偏见a common-sense view合乎常识的看法 a false/mistaken/fallacious view错误的观点. a fatalistic view宿命的观点 a gloomy/pessimistic view悲观的看法 a grossly exaggerated view过分夸张的看法 a historical viewpoint历史观点 a man of broad views宽容大量的人 a man of liberal views见解开明的人 a middle-of-the-road view 中庸的观点 a one-sided view片面的看法 a peculiar view独特的见解 a philosophical view析学观点 a superficial view肤浅的见解 a very sensible and practical view十分明钾而实际的见解. a view against the matter对这个问题的反对意见. a wild view不切实际的意见
an idealistic viewpoint唯心主义观点an obsolete view陈旧的看法 an old-fashioned view过时的看法 abandon one"s view放弃自己的观点 adopt another"s views without reflection不假思索地接受别人的观点. adverse views相反的意见 air/express/voice/present one"s views发表意见. change one"s views on a subject改变对某一问题的意见. disprove one"s views驳斥某人的意见 dispute one"s views对某人的意见质疑
entertain hopeful views持乐观的看法exchange views freely and frankly充分坦率地交换意见. exchange views regarding就……交换意见 expound one"s views on详述自己对……的看法. from a critical viewpoint从批判的观点出发. from a practical viewpoint以实用的观点 get an all-round view of a subject对一个问题获得全面的看法. hold a contrary view to this持与此相反的意见. hold conventional views持保守观点 hold extreme views持极端的见解 hold the same view as to对……持相同意见
impose one"s views on others把自己的观点强加于人.in my view依我看 materialistic view of life实用主义人生观 one"s viewpoint on life人生观 political views政治见解 professional view行家的意见 reflect the views of the government反映政府的观点. romantic views不切实际的观点 share the views of sb. on this point在这一点上与某人看法一致. shortsighted views目光短浅的见解 take a commercial view of the subject以商业眼光看待这个问题. take a poor view of sth.对某事不以为然 take a very optimistic/rosy/rose-colored view of对……持十分乐观的看法. take long views作长远打算,目光远大 take narrow/narrow-minded view持偏狭的 看法