常用句子1.The concert will be held on September 14 at,10 a.m. 该演奏会预定于9月14日上午10点举行。 2. After Flagstaff, we"ll go to San Diego. 到佛拉格斯塔夫之后,我们将去圣地亚哥。 3. The spacecraft is scheduled to arrive at Saturn next year. 太空船预定明年到达土星。 4. Our plan is the best and the safest, you see. 正如你所见到的,我们的计划是完美、安全的。 5. Why don"t you change your road? 你们为什么不变更路线呢? 6. Now, let"s find some new girls. 现在让我们另外找一些女孩子。 7. He is planning his future already. 他已经在为将来做打算了。 8. OK.Your plans are always successful. 很好。你的计划常常无往不利! 9. The gangsters are planning a robbery. 这伙强盗在计划抢劫。 10. If his plan works, he"ll earn 100 million in 10 years. 如果他的计划成功,十年就能挣到一亿了。
情景对话A: I went to the travel agency today and picked up these folders on Japan, Normandy,and Quebec. B: For this summer? Have we saved that much money? A: Not this summer. In two or three years, maybe. I have it almost all worked out. Here. Normandy, and then the Chateau country. Somewhere we"ll have to work in Nicefor the carnival. Then we take the Orient Express to Istanbul from there. B: But what do we do this year? A: Oh, I thought we"d go to one of the national parks-Yosemite, or Yellowstone, ormaybe the Grand Canyon-that is, if it"s all right with you. A:今天我到旅行社去取来了有关到日本、诺曼底和魁北克旅游的简介。 B:是今年夏天去吗?我们已积蓄了足够多的钱了? A:不是今年夏天。可能再过两三年。我差不多完全计划好了。看,先是诺曼底,然后去法国的古堡地区。期间我们还要参加尼斯的狂欢节.然后我们从那里乘东方快车去伊斯坦布尔。 B:那么今年我们干什么呢? A:啊,我想我们可以去一处国家公园-尤塞米提,或黄石公园,也许可去大峡谷-假如你不反对的话。