
2023-02-02 10:54:13 来源:教育联播网


情景会话A: Hi! Does the organizer build the stands?  B: Usually, the organizer provides basic shells or modules, and the exhibitorsprepare the stands themselves.  A: Can the exhibitors design their own stands?  B: Yes, we will do it this way. But, we still need a company that specializes instand construction. I will discuss with a contractor about the design of our standin detail this afternoon.  A: Yes, we cannot construct the stands ourselves. What things should be taken into consideration?  B: Range of products to be displayed,amenities to be provided, the number of staff on duty, etc.  A: When will the contractor produce the design?  B: After we offer some information, such as the space.  A: OK. Thank you for your help.  B: You are welcome.  A:您好,展台是由组织者搭建吗?  B:通常,组织者提供基本的框架和组件,参展商自己布置展台。  A:参展单位可以自己设计展台吗?  B:可以,我们会这么做。但是我们仍然需要一个专业的展台搭建公司。今天下午我会与一家承包公司详细讨论展台的设计问题。  A:是的,我们不能亲自动手搭建。还需要考虑哪些方面?  B:参展的产品范围,提供的服务设施以及当班人数等。  A:承包公司什么时候设计呢?  B:在我们给出而积等信息之后。  A:好的,谢谢您的帮助。  B:不客气。场景表述还可以这样说:  O Do we build the stands by ourselves?展台是由我们自己搭建吗?  对方可能这样回答:  O Generally, we use basic shells or modules provided by the organizer to build by ourselves.  一般来说,我们用组织者提供的基本框架和组件来自己布置。  还可以这样说:  O Can we design our own stands?我们可以自己设计展台吗?  O Does the organizer allow us to design our own stands?组织者允许我们自己设计展台吗?  对方可能这样回答:  O Yes, I will design my stand.是的,我将自行设计我的展台。  ONo, the organizer will make that for us.不,组织者将会为我们设计。
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