1.挑选礼物A:What can I do for you?A:需要我帮忙吗?B:I want to find something typically Chinese as a gift.B:我想找一些典型的中国饰品作为礼物。A:How about this artistic tapestry and this cloisonne vase?A:这件艺术挂毯和这个景泰蓝花瓶怎么样?B:Well,I"m looking for something a little different.These teapots are beautiful.Are they made of procelain?B:嗯,我在找稍微不一样的东西。这些茶壶真漂亮,它们是瓷器做的吗?A:No,they are made of clay.They are Yixing purple clay teapots.This kind of tea ware is very famous in China.A:不,它们是用黏土做成的。它们是宜兴紫砂壶。这种茶具在中国非常有名。B:Ah,I see.B:啊!我明白了。
2.买瓶酒A:I"d like to buy a bottle of wine or liquor for my father. You have so many kinds here that I can"t decide which one to buy.A:我要买瓶酒给我老爸,种类那么多,我不知道买哪一种好。B:How about this Scotch whisky? It"s distilled from a pure barley malt mash and is aged in cherry casks. Or you may buy this XO cognac brandy. It"s 10 years old and contains about 45% alcohol.B:这种苏格兰威士忌怎么样?这是麦芽泥蒸馏做的,贮放在樱桃木酒桶内已经长年累月。不然,买这种XO 甘邑白兰地。10 年老酒,大约含45%的酒精。A:I see. Would you tell me something about gin, rum and vodka, please?A:原来如此。你介绍一下杜松子酒、兰姆酒和伏特加,好吗?B:Sure. Rums are distilled from the fermented juice of the sugar cane or from fermented molasses. This one is distilled in Jamaica, and bottled in London. Gin is made from a mash of grain and juniper berries and Vodka is distilled from a mash of rye, wheat or potatoes. Vodka mixes easily with fruit juices.B:没问题。兰姆酒是用发酵的甘蔗汁或发酵的糖蜜蒸馏而成的。这一瓶在牙买加酿造,在伦敦装瓶。杜松子酒是谷类糊浆和杜松子酱果酿造的,而伏特加则是燕麦、大麦或马铃薯蒸馏而成的,伏特加可以和果汁搭配。
3.谈论礼物A:I have many friends in the US.But I don"t know what I should buy them for gifts.A:我有很多朋友在美国,但是我不知道该为他们买些什么礼物。B:It"s unnecessary to buy anything.B:没必要买什么礼物。A:Really?You are kidding.How can I go emptyhanded to visit my friends?I would be embarrassed.A:是吗?你不是在开玩笑吧。我怎么能空手去拜访我的朋友呢?我会很难堪的。B:If you really want to bring something,it should be a small,inexpensive item.You should bring some candy,toys,Chinese paper cutting or fancy bookmarks.B:如果你真的要买,买些便宜的小东西就行了。例如糖果、玩具、中国剪纸或者是漂亮的书签。A:Such a small gift?A:这么小的礼物?B:Yes,Americans are different from Chinese.The American idea of a gift is to bring a nice“token”that says“I have thought of you,”not a gift that says“Look,how much money I have spent!”B:是的,美国人和中国人不同。在美国人眼里,送礼物是送一份“诚意”,表明“我一直惦念你”,而不是说“看,我花了多少钱”!
4.征求意见A:How about Chinese tea?A:中国的茶叶怎么样?B:Tea is a good gift.B:茶叶作为礼物不错。A:Thanks for your advice.A:谢谢你的指点!B:You"re welcome.B:不客气。
5.降价销售A:Can I help you,madam?A:夫人,您要买点什么?B:I"d like to buy some presents for my friends.B:我想为朋友买些礼物。A:Would you like jewellery?Today is Mother"s Day and all the jewellery is on sale at Rich"s.A:您要不要首饰?今天是母亲节,瑞奇首饰专柜的所有首饰都降价销售。B:That"s great.Do you have gold jewels?B:那太好了。你们有黄金饰品吗?A:Yes,we have 24K and 18K gold necklaces,chains and earrings.A:有,我们有24K和18K的金项链、手链和耳环。B:May I have a look?B:我可以看看吗?A:Sure.A:可以。
6.打折A:What is the price of this tea set?A:这套茶具多少钱?B:It is 600 yuan.B:600元钱。A:That"s too much,I"ll take it if you give me a 50% discount.A:太贵了,如果给我打5折,我就买了它。B:Well,I can just take 100 yuan off the price.B:嗯,我只可以便宜100元。A:All right,I will take this set.A:好吧,我要买这一套。
7.剪纸A:What is the design of this paper cut?A:这个剪纸的图案是什么?B:They are lotus flowers.B:它们是荷花。A:Ah,how beautiful!How much is it?A:啊,多美啊!多少钱?B:It is 20 yuan.B:20元钱。A:I will take it.Can I have it framed.I want to send it to my friend.A:我要买了它。你可以把它装进框子里吗?我想把它送给我朋友。B:Yes,but you will have to pay for the frame.It is 30 yuan.B:可以,但是框子要付钱,框子30元。A:All right.Here is the money.It is 50 yuan altogether.A:好吧。给你钱,总共是50元。B:Thank you.B:谢谢。
8.结婚礼物A:So,your friend"s getting married on Saturday.What have you bought her as a wedding gift? I find it so hard to choose the right gift.A:你朋友周六结婚。你给她买了什么结婚礼物?我发现挑选一个合适的礼物很难。B:My friend and her fiance had a really good idea.They have cut out pictures from catalogues and pasted them in a notebook.The pictures are of the things they want.People sign their name by the item they will buy.B:我朋友和她的未婚夫有很不错的想法。他们把图片从目录中剪下来,粘到笔记本上。他们想要的就是照片上的那些东西。别人就在他们准备买的东西旁写上名字。A:That"s clever!What things were in the notebook?A:真聪明!本上有些什么东西呢?B:Most of the things were household appliances.You know,everything from an iron through a vacuum cleaner to a cooker.B:大部分都是家用设备。你知道的,从熨斗到吸尘器到灶具。