帮忙做家务的英语怎么说---Doing houseworkSon:Dad .Can I go outside to play?Dad:Well, did you get your Saturday" s work done?Son:Ah, Dad .Do I have to?Dad:Well, you know the rules .No playing until the work is done.Son:So, what is my work?Dad:Well, first, you have to clean the bathroom including the toilet .And don" t forget to scrub the bathtub.Son:No, I want to do the family room.Dad:Well, okay, but you have to vacuum the family room and the hall, and be sure to dust everything .Oh, and don" t forget to wipe the walls and clean the baseboards.[Okay.] And after that.[Oh, no.] Next, sweep and mop the kitchen floor and sure to polish the table in the living room.Son:Okay .Okay.Dad:And make your bed and pick up all your toys and put them away .And......Son:More?Dad:Yeah .And then, how about going out for lunch and getting a big milk shake, but you probably don" t want to do thatSon:No, No .I want to.Dad:Okay .While you" re doing your work, I" II be out in the yard raking leaves and pulling weeds.