相亲的英文怎么说呢?What is a Blind Date?什么是相亲?Very few singles have ever gone through life without having a friend, relative or coworker try to set them up on a blind date. While a blind date is sometimes referred to as a “first impression” date, people shouldn’t associate so much pressure with a blind date. While it is always a good idea to look nice on any first date including a blind date, it is far more important for people to be themselves. If a person is seriously looking for a person to have a relationship with, they are not going to want to attract a person for pretend behavior and unnatural looks.Committing to a blind date doesn’t have to be a frightening thing and avoiding blind dates altogether could mean a person could be missing out on meeting someone very special. Since someone a person knows sets up most blind dates, they are more likely to be able to connect two people with similar interests and ideas. While physical chemistry is impossible to predict, a blind date set up by someone who has some knowledge about what two people have in common is a great starting point.Once a person has committed to a blind date, they will want to limit the information they know ahead of time about the individual they will be going on a date with. The less a person knows about their blind date, the fewer preconceived expectations he or she can develop about the other person. Make the blind date a short date by having drinks or meeting for ice cream. If the blind date isn’t destined to work out, the two people involved don’t have to sit through a long, drawn out dinner or other extended activity in order to get to the end of the date without being rude.Dress nicely for a blind date, but don’t dress uncomfortably as it will be apparent to those around you including your date. While making a first impression can put a lot of pressure on a person, being yourself during a blind date is more important in getting to know each other. A person’s sense of humor can be quite individual and not everyone will understand or “get it” right away, so refraining from too many jokes during the first blind date can be beneficial. The most important thing to remember in trying to make a blind date a success no matter what is to keep an open mind throughout the entire experience.当爱情没有以最好的方式产生时,借助外力的因素寻找,也不失为一个途径。就像有句放之四海皆准的话:“条条道路通罗马”,对于爱情的幸福也一样,无论你选择哪种方式,能找到自己的幸福是真正的目的。相亲,也只是其中的一个方式而已。用“邂逅”恋爱;用“相亲”结婚也许是一种比较理智的生活状态。当爱情姗姗来迟时,与其一个人苦苦寻觅,不如借助更多其他的途径寻找。相亲,用传统的方式演绎着现代的爱情,也许会比自由恋爱少了一点浪漫,但一种形式自会有它的美好。