出境旅游英文怎么说呢?Realize Outbound Tourism认识出境旅游Tourism is travel for recreational,leisure or business purposes.The World Tourism Organization defines tourists as people who“travel to and stay in places outside their usual environment for more than twenty-four hours and not more than one consecutive year for leisure,business and other purposes not related to the exercise of an activity remunerated from within the place visited”.As Chinese people get more money in their pockets,and more countries are open to Chinese tourists,outbound tourism of China is growing in leaps and bounds.”If we look at Chinese tourism industry from an international angle,the most important point is the incredible development of Chinese outbound tourism.It has already made changes to the marketing system and business mode of some Asian destinations,and it surely will have a vital influence to the global tourism industry.Among popular attractions,the neighboring countries and regions are still the main destinations for Chinese travelers.Last year,the number of Chinese mainland citizens traveling to Asian countries or regions accounted for more than 80%of the total outbound departures.Chinese tours to Africa increased about one third in 2007.According to their survey,although Hong Kong and Macao have received most mainland travelers in the past,the most wanted destination in Asia for Chinese is Maldives.Destination attraction has become the most concerned factor for Chinese people in making their travel plans.And long-haul destinations,such as Africa,will become more popular for the high-end Chinese travelers.The World Tourism Organization reports the following ten countries as the most visited from 2006 to 2009 by the number of international travellers.When compared to 2006,Ukraine entered the top ten list,surpassing Russia,Austria and Mexico,and in 2008,surpassed Germany.In 2008,the United States displaced Spain from the second place.Most of the top visited countries continue to be on the European continent,followed by a growing number of Asian countries.由于旅游借助互联网,能够解决传统旅游业不能解决的适应游客行、吃、住、游、玩一体化的需求。同时还由于旅游也作为一个整体的商业生态链,涉及到旅行服务机构、酒店、景区、交通等等,利用互联网可以将这些环节连成一个统一的整体,进而可以大大提高服务的水平和业务的来源。近来,传统旅游业已经越来越感到来自互联网的“双刃剑”的考验,一方面,互联网为传统旅游业提供新的机遇及成为提高服务水平和运作水平的手段;另一方面,大多数没有开展网上业务的中小旅行社则面临严峻的挑战。