经典句型Please tell me the details of your order. I will check it. 请您详细地告诉我关于您的订单。我会去核对。 Do you have any questions about your order? 您对订单还有疑问吗? This is our official order for 100 computers. 这是我们一百台
电脑的正式订单。 This is the confirmation of your order. 这是您下订单的确认书。 We are in receipt of your order of Nov 1st. Thank you very much. 我们收到您11月1日下的订单。非常感谢。 If the quality of this product is up to our expectations, we will place anorder. 如果这个产品的质量跟我才门期望的一样,我们会下订单。 Because of the shortage of the black one, we cannot send you the order now. 因为黑色的款缺货,我们现在不能给您发货。 How can I cancel the order online? 我在网上怎么取消订单? The factory is working at full capacity. 工厂正在满负荷进行生产。 We can supply the best service for you. 我们能为您提供比较好的服务。
常用词汇detail 细节;琐事 receipt 收到;收据 confi rmation 确认;证实 book in 预订;登记 order 订单;顺序 inventory 存货;存货清单 material 原料;物资 shortage 缺点;不足(额) minimum 小量 adj. 小的