兵马俑用英语怎么说。 秦始皇陵及兵马俑坑,位于陕西省西安市临憧县东骊山北麓,公元前246年至公元前208年,历时39年,是中国历史上第一模比较完整的帝王陵寝,现存陵家高76米,陵园布置仿秦都咸阳内外两城,内城周长2.5千米,外城周长6.3千米。 想要熟悉兵马俑用英语怎么说,基本的是需要掌握一些关键的句型,无锡美联英语小编为大家整理了一些兵马俑用英语怎么说的句子,帮助大家先做口语对话前的热身。 Oh,I"ve never seen anything like it before. It"s huge. 啊,我从未见过这样的博物馆,真大。 It"s fascinating to see how ancient Chinese troops were arrayed. 能看到中国古代的军阵,真是太有意思了。 These terracotta warriors are so vivid and true to life. It"s amazing that sculpture could have attained such high artistic level at that time. 这些兵马俑造型生动,形象逼真,在那样的年代能达到这样的雕塑水平,实在让人惊叹。 掌握了以上无锡美联英语小编为您整理的兵马俑用英语怎么说的基本句型,那么就需要开始练习对话了,简单的练习英语对话能迅速增进
英语口语能力。 Tourist: One of my friends told me, “You can"t be reckoned to have been in China without seeing the Qin Dynasty figurines,”so that"s why I am here in Van. Guide: Some people cal I them “the eighth wonder of the world,”because they marvel at the different features and facial expressions of terracotta warriors and horses. Tourist: Is the No. 1 pit the largest one ever found? Guide: Yes, it is. It lies to the east of Qin cemetery. Tourist: How many warrior figures and chariot figures are there in all? Guide: More than 6,000. They queue up in a battle array of 38 columns. Tourist: Look at them ! Some warrior figures are carrying bronze swords, some holding catapults, bows and arrows and long spears. Guide: And in 1980, two bronze chariots were unearthed from the western side of the Qin Shi Huang"s tomb. Each chariot has four bronze horses and a bronze figure driver. The beautiful artistic design and exquisite casting skills are fantastic. Tourist: It"s incredible! You should set up a gigantic museum of the Qin Shi Huang Mausoleum. Guide: You"re right. That"s what we are doing right now. Tourist: Is there any other places worth visiting in Xi"an? Guide: Yes, there are plenty of them. We have the Big Wild Goose Pagoda as well as the Small Wild Goose Pagoda, Ming Dynasty City Wall and Hua Qing Hot Springs. 对英语千万不要一知半解的,无锡美联英语小编为您整理兵马俑用英语怎么说的翻译,帮助大家理解消化,彻底掌握该对话的精髓。 游客:有位朋友告诉我“如果不去看秦兵马俑就不能算是到过中国”,所以我就来西安了。 导游:许多人把秦兵马俑称为“世界第八大奇迹”,因为当他们看到不同特点、不同神情的兵马俑时都十分惊奇。 游客:一号坑是至今发现的坑吗? 导游:是的,它位于秦墓以东。 游客:总共有多少武士和车马的雕像? 导游:有6 000多,他们在军阵中排成38个纵队。 游客:你看他们呀!有些士兵拿着铜剑,有些人握着弹弩、弓箭还有长矛。 导游:1980年秦始皇墓以西出土了两架铜战车,每架战车都有四匹铜马和一个铜制车夫,完美的艺术造型和精细的铸造技术犹如梦幻一般。 游客:真太不可思议了,你们应该建一个大型的秦始皇墓博物馆。 导游:你说得对,我们正在修建博物馆。 游客:西安还有什么值得游览的地方? 导游:当然,大雁塔、小雁塔、明代城墙和华清池等,可看的地方多着呢。 以上就是无锡美联英语小编为您整理的兵马俑用英语怎么说,建议大家多学多练,以增进英语口语能力为目标。