
2023-03-02 10:58:22 来源:教育快报网


coffee是个多义词,它可以指“咖啡,咖啡豆;咖啡色”。Shebrewed some coffee for me.(她为我煮了些咖啡。).  cup of coffee一杯咖啡.  It"s no surprise that an evening cup of coffee might disrupt your sleep.(晚上喝咖啡必然会干扰你的睡眠,这一点是毫无疑问的。).  drink coffee喝咖啡.  I never drinkcoffee.(我从来不喝咖啡。).  black coffee黑咖啡.  Oh,I neverrealized that you like black coffee.(噢,我没有注意到你喜欢黑咖啡。).  coffee bar咖啡馆.  There"s a good coffee bar in the hotel over there.(在那边的旅馆里有一家不错的咖啡馆。).  coffee pot咖啡壶  coffeemaker 咖啡机  instant coffee速溶咖啡  creamer 奶精  coffee powder咖啡粉  cafe parfait咖啡点心  A: You know all about coffee. I need your advice.  B: If you want to be macho, order a double shot of espresso.  A:你懂咖啡。我需要你的建议。  B:若你想要有男子气概,就点双份的意大利浓缩咖啡。  A: Barista, pull me a Mendeling.  B: Yeah, anything else.  A:吧台,给我来杯曼特宁。  B:好的,还要什么吗?  A:Do you know why I choose this cafe?  B: Because it"s a good place to talk.  A:你知道我为什么选这家咖啡厅吗?  B:因为这里的气氛很适合谈话。  A: The coffee here is good. What would you like?  B: I have a medium white coffee.  A:这儿的咖啡不错。你想要点儿什么?  B:我要中杯淡咖啡。
x 广告
x 广告

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