
2023-03-05 10:56:17 来源:教育联播网



相关词汇apostasy n. 叛教atheist n. 无神论者belief n. 信仰believer n. 信教者canon n. 教规convert n. 改变信仰者creed n. 教义,信条deism n. 自然神论deity n. 神divinity n. 神灵fatalism n. 宿命论pantheism n. 泛神论polytheism n. 多神论religion n. 宗教religious taboo 宗教戒律supernatural being 神仙temporality n. 教外人士totem n. 图腾totemism n. 图腾崇拜情景对话:A: Do you believe in any religion?B: No, I have no religious belief.A: So you are an atheist, aren"t you?B: That"s right. How about you?A: Well, I"m an atheist, too.B: One of my friends used to be a believer of Christianity,but has now converted to Buddhism.Then he"s a convert, right?Yes. He once totally accepted the creed of Christianity,ABbut has recently found the canon of Buddhism more appealing to him.A: I wonder whether religion originates from totemism.You know, in ancient times, people worshipped certain totems.B: That makes sense, but I"m not sure.A: Well, from totems to deities, the supernatural beings...people may have changed what they worshipped overtime. Gradually, different theories were formulated-deism, fatalism, polytheism, pantheism, etc. I guess this is how religion may have come into being.参考译文:A:你信仰宗教吗?B:不。我没有宗教信仰。A:这么说来你是位无神论者啊?B:没错,你呢?A:呵呵,我也是无神论者。B:我有位朋友曾经信奉基督教.但现在改信佛教了。A:哦,他改变了信仰啊?B:是啊。他一度对基督教的教义全盘接受,但近又觉得还是佛教宣扬的精神更吸引他。A:哦,不知道宗教早是不是起源自人们的图腾崇拜啊.你知道吧,古时候,人们会敬仰、崇拜某种图腾.B:这么说挺有道理的,不过,我也不能肯定。A:嗯,从崇拜图腾到祟拜神、神仙……斗转星移,人们或许就变换了自己崇敬的对象。不同的理论也逐渐形成了—自然神论、宿命论、多神论、泛神论.等等。我猜想宗教或许就是这样产生的。
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