
2023-03-06 10:42:09 来源:教育快播网


yoga:瑜伽,致力于训练一种能达到完美精神内省和宁静状态的意识的印度训练方法。在这个忙碌而浮躁的年代,瑜伽作为健身修心的运动,被越来越多的至in达人所追捧。今天,你瑜伽了吗?1. I enjoy doing yoga.我喜欢做瑜伽。A: What sports do you go in for?  B: I enjoy doing yoga.  A: I prefer playing tennis.  甲:你喜欢什么运动,  乙:我喜欢做瑜伽。  甲:我更喜欢打网球。 2.Yoga is a slimming exercise.瑜伽是一种纤体运动。A:What do you think of yoga?  B:Yoga is a slimming exercise.  甲:你怎么看待瑜伽,  乙:瑜伽是一种纤体运动。 3.Yoga has become so popular in recent years.近几年瑜伽变得流行起来。A: Where are you going?  B: I"m going to do some yoga exericise.  A: Yoga has become so popular in recent years.  甲:你去哪儿?  乙:我去做瑜伽。  甲:近几年瑜伽变得流行起来。4. I hear now you are warming up to yoga.我听说你喜欢上瑜伽了。A: I hear now you are warming up to yoga.  B: Yes. I do yoga everyday.  甲:我听说你喜欢上瑜伽了。  乙是啊,我每天都做瑜伽。5.But to the best of my knowledge, most enthusiasts are women.但据我所知,大多热衷瑜伽的是女性。  A: Do you really think yoga is suitable for male?  B: Yes. I am a good example  A: But to the best of my knowledge, most enthusiasts are women.  甲:你真的认为瑜伽适合男性吗?  乙:是啊,我就是个好例子。  甲:但据我所知,大多热衷瑜伽的是女性。6.Yoga helps me relax both physically and psychologically.瑜伽可以帮我放松身体和精神。  A: What do you think the best of yoga?  B: Yoga helps me relax both physically and psychologically.  甲:你认为瑜伽好处是什么,  乙:瑜伽可以帮我放松身体和精神。7.How can,enhance my yoga practice?我如何加强我的瑜伽水平呢?A: How can I enhance my yoga practice?  B: You can connect with others who share an interest in yoga.  甲:我如何加强我的瑜伽水平呢,  乙:你可以和其他瑜伽爱好者一起文流切磋。
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