段落大意题的答题步骤和技巧Step One:因为
雅思阅读考试时,可以用笔在试卷上作标记,所以考生可先把用作例子的标题和段落都划掉,以免干扰了有效阅读而浪费时间。 广州
英语培训学校老师提示有时答题指引中会注明某一标题可能被不止一次应用,例如,You may use any户eading more than once。但在实际考试中,还没有出现过这样的情况,因为每都是不一样的。一般来说,都是一个标题对应一个段落。 Step Two:根据题目所要求的文章段落的顺序,逐段略读,总结和归纳每一段的主旨,关键要抓住主题句和寻找核心词汇。在略读每一段时,一般按照起始句→结束句→中间句的顺序寻找此段的主题句。 广州英语培训学校老师提示先读选项后读文章的做法不适合此题型。因为待选标题和文章段落之间不是一一对应的关系。题目
设计者为了干扰考生的选择.会故意出几个相似的选项。如果先读选项后看文章,会费时费力,准确率也不高。 按照英文段落的发展模式.通常起始句会是全段的中心,提出一个观点或主题。如果第一句话是承接上一段的过渡句或一句描述性的话,那么主题句一般就在第二句。段落的中间会对主题句加以举例说明或论据论证,经常会出现for exampl,for instance这样的字眼。而结束句通常是对起始句的paraphrase。但同时,要注意看段落中是否出现了转折连词,例如however, nevertheless等词,因为在这种情况下段落的意义重心可能会发生转移。 广州英语培训学校老师提示千万不要把.“起始句一般都是主题句”这一规则教条化。在总结归纳段落大意时.要抓住主题句,不仅要看第一、二句话,还一定要快速浏览全段,对段落的发展脉络有清楚的把握,才能确定段落真正的重心。 在阅读时,要注意把握句子的语义重心。例如,若句子中出现了转折性的连词或介词,诸如although/though/while/despite/in spite of等等,语义重心就是这些转折词所表达意思之外的部分。 Step Three:根据通过阅读归纳出来的段落大意,把List of Headings中列举出的标题和自己的总结相比照,通过关键词或同义结构的定位,寻找适合该段的段落标题。 注意:按照一一对应的法则,在确定了一段文章的标题后,可以将已选标题划掉,以免干扰下面的选择在选择标题的过程中,还要注意采取.“避重就轻”的原则:对于较难总结的段落可先放在一边,先往下读,选出自己有把握的标题并排除.再回过头来筛选比较。在筛选比较的时候。一定要吃透原文段落的大意,可能在相似的待选标题中选出正确答案。实际考试中就曾经出现过这种情况:两个选择项中都提到了同样的词,关键是根据原文的意思找出这两个选项的区别,选出正确答案。 如果某选项与原文词句特别相似或一致.此选择项极有可能是干扰项,因为正确选项一般都是对主题句或全段大意的改写。 Four:将选出的答案抄写到答题卡上,注意不要抄错行。 广州英语培训学校老师提示在此题型中,通常用罗马字母来标识待选的标题。但要特别注意罗马字母中,iv代表四,而vi代表六,在抄写答案时,很容易抄错,希望考生多叫小心3.2.3段落大意题专项练习及解答The following passage has seven paragraphs A一G·Choose the correct headings for paragraphs A一F from the list of headings below·Note there are more headings than paragraphs, so you will not use them all .Write the correct numbers i一ix in boxes 1一5 on your answer sheet. List of Headings i .Growing worries about Arctic temperature riseii .The link between Arctic temperature rise and ocean circulationiii.Conflicting observations iv. Reasons not to have immediate fear about sea levelv .Reasons to regard ACIA"s report seriouslyvi .Supporting evidence for ACIA"s reportvii. Potential release of greenhouse gas caused by Arctic warmingviii .A dramatic rise in sea ix. Possible effects of Arctic warming on the global climateExample Answer Paragraph A iii 1·paragraph B 2·paragraph C 3·paragraph D 4·paragraph E 5·paragraph F A The ACIA(the Arctic Climate Impact Assessment)reckons that in recent decades average temperatures have increased almost twice as fast in the Arctic as they have in the rest of the world. Skeptics argue that there are places,such as the high latitudes of the Greenland ice sheet and some buoys at sea,where temperatures seem to have fallen.On the other hand,there are also places, such as parts of Alaska,where they have risen far faster than average. Robin Bell.a geophysicist at Columbia University who was not involved in the report"s compilation,believes that such conflicting local trends point to the value of the international,interdisciplinary approach of this week"s report. As he observes. "climate change,like the weather.can be patchy and you can get fooled unless you look at the whole picture.” B And there is other evidence of warming to bolster the ACIA"s case. For example,the report documents the widespread melting of glaciers and of sea ice,a trend already making life miserable for the polar bears and seals that depend on that ice. It also notes a shortening of the snow season.The most worrying finding, however,is evidence一still preliminary一that the Greenland ice sheet may be melting faster than previously thought. C That points to one reason the world should pay attention to this week"s report. Like a canary in a coal mine,the hyper-sensitive polar regions may well experience the full force of global warming before the rest of the planet does. I lowever. there is a second and bigger reason to pay attention. An unexpectedly rapid warming of the Arctic could also lead directly to greater climate change elsewhere on the planet. D Arctic warming may influence the global climate in several ways. One is that amounts of methane,a particularly potent greenhouse gas.are stored in hugethe permafrost of the tundra. Although a thaw would allow forests to invade the tundra。 which would tend to ameliorate any global warming that is going on(since trees capture carbon dioxide,the greenhouse gas most talked about in the context of climate change)·a melting of the permafrost might also lead to a lot of trapped methane being released into the atmosphere,more than offsetting the cooling effects of the new forests. E Another worry is that Arctic warming will influence ocean circulation in ways that are not fully understood. One link in the chain is the salinity of sea water,which is decreasing in the north Atlantic thanks to an increase in glacial meltwaters. Because fresh water and salt water have different densities, this "freshening" of the ocean could change circulation patterns. The most celebrated risk is to the mid-Atlantic Conveyor Belt,a current which brings warm water from the tropics to north-western Europe,and which is responsible for that region"s unusually mild winters. Some of the ACIA"s experts are fretting over evidence of reduced density and salinity in waters near the Arctic that could adversely affect this current. F The biggest popular worry,though,is that melting Arctic ice could lead to a dramatic rise in sea level.Here. a few caveats are needed.For a start.much of the ice in the Arctic is floating in the sea already.Archimedes"s principle shows that the melting of this ice will make no immediate difference to the sea"s level.although it would change its albedo. Second,if land ice,such as that covering Greenland,does melt in large quantities,the process will take centuries. And third, although the experts are indeed worried that global warming might cause the oceans to rise,the main way they believe this will happen is by thermal expansion of the water itself. G Nevertheless, there is some cause for nervousness. As the ACIA researchers document. there are signs that the massive Greenland ice sheet might be melting more rapidly than was thought a few years ago. Cracks in the sheet appear to be allowing melt water to trickle to its base,explains Michael Oppenheimer, a climatologist at Princeton University who was not one of the report"s authors. That water may act as:,lubricant. speeding up the sheet"s movement into the sea. If the entire sheet melted, the sea might rise by 6一7 met res. While acknowledging that disintegration this century is still an unlikely outcome,Dr Oppenheimer argues that the evidence of the past few years suggests it is more likely to happen over the next few centuries if the world does not reduce emissions of greenhouse gases. He worries that an accelerating Arctic warming trend may yet push the ice melt beyond an "irreversible on/off switch". (Adapted from The Economist) 解析 题目以第一段作为例子,给出了答案,那么考生在开始做题前,应该用铅笔把第一段和选项iii划去.以免影响阅读。 1.答案是vi, B段中,第一句话是主题句,指出有其他变暖的证据来支持ACIA的报告。其后紧跟的一个词组for example表明,接下来的这句话是对主题句的举例说明.考生不必细读。第三句话中的also一词也表明,此句是对主题句的举例说明。在所给的选项之中,只有vi这一项中出现了主题句中的对应词:supporting(支持的)对应原文中的bolster(支持),evidence一词是原文中的原词。因此vi是正确选项。 2·答案是v, C段中,第一句话顺承上一段,指出整个世界都应注意此报告的一个原因,关键词是one reason和pay attention to。接着是对此原ICI的说明。此段的中间出现了一个转折连词however。一般的规则是,转折连词的出现表示语义重心的转移,但考生不能把这条规则教条化。在本句中,出现了second and bigger reason和pay attention的字样,事实上列举出另外一个原因。综合此段大意.只有v项中有对应的词reasons和take AICA"s report seriously, 因此v是正确选项。 3`答案是vii。如果考生只看D段第一句话就草草下结论的话,就可能误选ix项。ix项与此段第一句话的意思完全吻合,但如果考生迅速浏览木段的话,就会发现后面的解释说明只针对北极圈变暖对全球气候的影响中特定的一点,即大量埋藏于北极圈地下的methane会因那里的气候变暖而逸出。methane一词对考生来说很可能是个生词,但可以通过上下文判断出其涵义。methane后面有一个同位语.指出它是一种威力特别强大的温室气体。 因此本段只是说明了北极圈变暖与methane这种埋藏在北极圈之下的温室气体之间的因果关系。因此只有vii项才是正确答案。 4`答案是ii. E段的起始句Another worry表明.这句话是呼应上一段的起始句中several ways的。此句表明,北极圈变暖与洋流循环之间存在联系。而下面两句话是对此联系的解释说明,再接着就是举例说明。本段的起始句就是主题句,在选择项之中,只有ii项提到了ocean circulation,因此ii项是正确答案。 5`答案是iv。此题也很具有迷惑性。F段的起始句指出,担心在于北极圈的冰融化会导致海平面急剧上升.这正和ix项的dramatic rise in sea level相吻合。但如果向下阅读的话,会发现此段后面列举出的三点现象与起始句的意思并不相符。首先,由于北极圈的冰大部分属于漂浮冰,其融化并不会对海平面造成直接影响(no immediate difference tothe sea"s level);第二.即使陆地冰大量融化,也要用几个世纪的时间;第三.专家虽然相信全球变暖会导致海平面上升,但主要还是通过水本身的热膨胀。而这三点原因都表明,海平面近期是不会有剧烈上升的,正好和起始句中的dramatic rise相反。只有iv项符合本段大意,指的是不必担心海平面近期急剧上升的原因。