
2023-03-11 10:50:00 来源:教育之家


trick是个多义词,同时还是具有多重词性的词。该词具有三种词性即名词,动词,形容词词性,作名词表示“诡计;恶作剧;窍门”,作动词表示“欺骗;哄骗;装饰”,作形容词表示“特技的;欺诈的;有诀窍的”之意。口How did she look throughhis trick?(她是怎么识破他的把戏?)作为词根可以扩展为形容词tricksy欺骗的,狡猾的;名词trickiness诡计多端;狡猾.trickery欺骗;诡计;奸计。  do the trick获得成功.If your friends are too busy to meet for lunch, a short phone call can do the trick.(要是你的朋友太忙而无法一起吃午饭,一个简短的电话也能起到很好的效果。).  trick ortreat不招待就使坏困.  But they would always have some candy and maybe an apple to put in our "trick or treat bags."(但是他们通常会带一些糖果或者苹果放进我们的“恶作剧还是招待”的口袋里。).  cheat 欺骗;骗取;作弊  hustle 兜售;骗钱  monkey business欺骗、恶作剧  rip off偷窃;欺诈;剥削  hoax 骗局;恶作剧.愚弄;欺骗  play 游戏;玩;耍  play jokes开玩笑;搞恶作剧  joke 玩笑,笑话;  prank 恶作剧,开玩笑  A:Do you know about All Fools" Day?  B:On that day, people play all kinds of tricks on others, and the one easily taken in is called April fool.  A:你知道愚人节是怎么回事吗?  B:那天人们互相捉弄,容易上当的叫四月傻瓜。  A: Do you forget what day it is today? Haha, April Fool"s!  B: Wow, you were pulling our leg all along. I was really fooled!  A:今天是愚人节怎么都忘了?  B:哇。原来是骗我们的。我被作弄了!  A: Did you suffer a lot on April Fool"s day?  B: Yes, I am. I am honest man.  A:你们愚人节遭殃了吗?  B:是呀,我是个正直的人。
x 广告
x 广告

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