
2023-03-17 10:45:46 来源:教育之星


Equestrian马术focus on (sth.)集中注意力于(某事)A:A rider must focus on the harmony between human beings and animals.骑手必须注意人与动物之间的和谐关系。   B:You are right.你说得对。   与focus on相类似的词组有concentrate on/pay attention to /keep (one"s)mind on (sth.)。 got the goods拥有好东西;有实力A :The rider showed he"s got the goods.骑手亮出了他的绝活。   B:It"s great.真精彩。   (someone"s) got the goods表示“(某人)拥有好东西;(某人)有绝活、实力”。另一个与goods有关的短语是get the goods on (someone),表示“掌握(某人)的罪证或缺点”。 经典金句1 .Dressage has been described as“horses performing ballet.”   盛装舞步被描述为“马的芭蕾表演”。   2. The team in the equestrian competition usually consists of three or four riders.   马术比赛团体通常包括三四个骑手。   3. The horse of Grunsven showed excellent skills in the varying of each pace and direction changes.   格林斯文的马在每种步态和方向的改变方面都表现出了出色的技艺。   4 .The horse and the rider jumped a series of obstacles in as short a time as possible.   马和骑手在尽量短的时间内跨越了一系列障碍物。   5.If the rider and the horse lack communication and harmony between each other, it"s impossible to achieve such wonderful movements.   骑手和赛马之间如果缺乏沟通和默契,就不可能做出如此优雅的动作。   6.A rider is considered to have fallen when he or she is separated from his horse.   骑手如果与赛马脱离开来就算是跌落。 情景对话A: What do you think are unique in equestrian?   B: The equality between men and women.   A:But men and women are equal in almost all Olympic events. What"s special for equestrian?   B:Equestrian is the only one of the Olympic sports that doesn"t specify which event is accessible orwhich event is inaccessible to women.   A:你认为马术比赛有哪些独到之处?   B:男女在参与方面的平等。   A:但几乎所有的奥运项目都是男女平等的呀。对于马术来说又有什么特别的呢?   B:马术是奥运比赛中罕有的一种没有规定哪些项目女子能参加或哪些项目女子不能参加的运动。 高频词汇blowout 试跑   jockey 骑师   maiden 新马   racetrack 跑道   rail 栅栏   saddle 马鞍   silks 骑师装   trainer 驯马师 以上是由深圳韦博英语小编为您整理的马术的英语的全部内容。
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