业余爱好是个很笼统的概念。 我认为,业余爱好就是在工作学习之余的做一些对自己身心健康有帮助的事情。
业余爱好英语怎么说,希望对大家有所帮助。What do you do when you" re not working?业余时间你都干些啥?Well, as I sit at a desk most of the day, I like to try and keep fit. I do quite a lot of sports.上班时整天坐在桌前,所以下班后我做很多运动,以保持身体健康。I enjoy cycling. Mountain biking actually.我喜欢骑自行车,准确地说是山地车。I suppose it" s a good place to do it here.这儿可是做这个运动的好地方啊!Yes, it is. And I" ve just taken up sailing.是啊。我刚开始帆船运动。Really? I didn" t know there was any water around here.是吗?我不知道附近有水可做这项运动呀?Well, there" s a couple of lakes nearby. What about yourself? Do you do any sports?有啊,附近有几个湖呢!你都做些什么呢?Well, I try and go jogging a couple of times a week. But I" m not really interested in sports. I love gardening. Otherwise I prefer to relax. I love going to the cinema. And I" m a real bookworm.我试着每周慢跑几次。但我对运动不太感兴趣。我喜欢园艺。要么就是看看电影放松自己,我是一个不折不扣的书虫。Really. What kind of things do you like reading?真的吗?你喜欢读一些什么书?Well, there" s nothing that beats a really good murder!我喜欢谋杀侦探故事。以上就是美联在线英语小编为大家整理的业余爱好英语怎么说,学习之所以难以坚持,有时仅仅因为计划没有变化快:会议取消、约会提前、行程更改... 我们打破“至少提前24小时订课”的行业惯例,让学员迟可于课前4小时订课/退课,更有推荐课程,可随时订随时上。让你真正以不变应万变。仅需4步,轻松开启在线学习之旅