
2023-03-29 10:40:52 来源:教育联播网



A: Good evening. Do you have a reservation?B: No, we don"t.A: How many people are there?B: Just three.A: Would you like to sit in the smoking section, non-smoking section or whatever comes open first?B: We prefer the smoking section.A: Awfully sorry, there are no vacancies left now. Would you like to wait for a moment?B: How long shall we wait?A: About twenty minutes, I think.B: OK, we will wait a while.A: Here is your number.B: OK. Thanks.A: I"m sorry for making you wait so long. Now there is a table available in the smoking section.Please follow me.B: Great. I"m hungry. I can"t wait to eat.

x 广告
x 广告

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