1. Has technology changed the way people work a lot? Are these changes positive?Technology has definitely changed the way people work. Many people work in offices nowadays, versus 20 years ago when most people took labour work instead.With the continuous advancing of technology, people no longer have to take hard and dangerous labour work. Many industrial assembly lines have replaced majority of workers. 毫无疑问技术改变了人们的工作方式,现在许多人都在办公室工作,而20年前大多数人都是体力劳动者。随着技术的不断进步,人们不再需要做繁重、危险的体力劳动。许多产业都用生产线代替了大量的工人。
2. What impact does automation have on people" s lives?Automation in the factories has led to the lay-off of many workers. Many people complain about the invention of computers as the cause of their unemployment. I don" t think that it is fair enough. It" s true that automation has reduced the number of workers needed for a job, but at the same time, it also creates a large number of new job opportunities. 工厂自动化使很多工人失业,许多人抱怨电脑的发明是他们失业的原因。我认为这种说法不是非常公平,确实自动化降低了工作对人力的需求,但是同时,它也创造了一些新的工作机会。
3. Are there any disadvantages of using modern equipment so much in the home?Most modern equipment is powered by electricity. The disadvantages are: (1) Electricity is dangerous, especially when old equipment is used, when the equipment is used around water, and it presents a danger to small children and animals. (2) These items cause the user to do less physical work and, as a result, the user becomes less fit comparing with doing things by hand. (3) Some electrical equipment such as vacuum cleaners creates a noise which scares pet dogs and cats. (4) The more advanced and complex the equipment is, the less old people are able to understand the instructions on how to use it. (5) Much of the electrical equipment which is not in use will create toxic waste if it is not disposed of properly. 多数现代设备都是用电的,缺点有: (1)电是危险的,尤其是如果这些设备比较旧,在水附近使用,它们会给孩子和动物带来潜在危险。 (2)人们用了电器就会体力活干得少些,因此,与亲自动手干活相比,人们的健康水平就会下降。 (3)像吸尘器等电器有噪音,会吓到猫、狗等宠物。 (4)电器越先进、越精密,老年人就越不懂如何使用它们。 (5)很多电器不用的时候,如果不经过恰当的处理,会散发毒物。 以上是由