求职意向用英文怎么说。A: I heard that the click statistics of the IT related positions are very high on the job hunting sites.B: Yeah. Many graduates feel the allure of working in the IT industry.A: What"s the main reason?B: I"ve no idea about that. Maybe computer technology becomes more important now.A:我听说在求职网站上,IT相关职位的点击率特别高。B:是的,很多毕业生都认为IT行业的工作很吸引人。A:主要的原因是什么?B:我不知道,也许是因为计算机技术现在变得更重要了吧。身在职场,一些必要的口语句型和词汇是需要大家去学习的。再来看下面一段对话,让我们掌握求职意向用英文怎么说
。A: What"s your target position?B: It"s my dream to work in a big company one day since I went to the college.A: Lots of graduates would like to work in big companies.B: I don"t care how fierce the competition is. I just want to make my dream come true.A:你的目标职位是什么?B:我刚上大学的时候,就梦想着有朝一日能在一家大公司工作。A:很多毕业生们都希望在大公司任职。B:我不在乎竞争有多激烈,我只想要梦想成真。