简单精华句They knew nothing about hospitality and made rude noises during my presentation. 他们根本不热情好客,还在我说话的时候乱嚷嚷。 One should wait in line and shouldn"t jump the line. 要排队而不能插队。 One should try to remember other people"s name. 要努力记住对方的名字。
实用延展句1、 I have to agree with you. 我很赞同你的说法。 2、Well, I"m not sure. 我不确定。 3、I understand this is very important. 我明白这很重要。 4、There are always people tarnishing the image of the city. 总是有那么些人破坏城市形象。 5、Do they do this to catch attention from others? 他们这样做是为了引起旁人注意吗? 6、It is not only interesting, but also satirical. 不仅有意思,而且很讽刺。 7、What misbehaviors do you think touch on rude? 你认为哪些行为近乎粗野? 8、Could you be more specific? 能说得具体点吗?
情景对话一A:Neatness should be no less important in language than it is in dress, but spew and sprawl are taking over. B:I have to agree with you. A:There are always people tarnishing the image of the city.When I first arrived here, I met a group of people. Their hair was long and unkempt and their clothes were wrinkled and old.They knew nothing about hospitality and made rude noises during my presentation. B:Anyway, people like this are everywhere. A:Do they do this to catch attention from others? B:Well. I"m not sure. A:说话时的语言文明、举止文雅,与着装的整洁一样重要。很遗憾,唾沫横飞、四仰八叉的不雅体态还是随处可见。 B:我很赞同你的说法。 A:总是有那么些人破坏城市形象。我刚到这里的时候就遇到了这样一群人,举止不雅,不修边幅,头发蓬乱,衣服破旧。他们根本不热情好客,还在我说话的时候乱嚷嚷。 B:不管怎么说,.到处都有这样的人。 A:他们这样做是为了引起旁人注意吗? B:我不确定。
情景对话二A:An airline company has launched Kung Fu courses to all its stewardesses inorder to cope with drunken customers and customers of misbehavior. B:Really, that"s very interesting. A:It is not only interesting,but also satirical. B:Once I was in Tokyo, metro there provided a guide to remind users of train etiquettes. A:What are the etiquettes? B:All are very basic etiquettes.One should not speak loudly, or behave todisturb others. One should wait in line and shouldn"t jump the line. A:为了应对醉酒和品行不正的乘客,一家航空公司对其所有空姐开设了功夫课程。 B:真的吗?有意思。 A:不仅有意思,而且很讽刺。 B:我在东京的时候,那里的地铁提供乘车礼仪指南,供乘客参考。 A:有哪些礼仪? B:都是非常基本的礼仪。比如不能高声喧哗或做出影响他人的举动,要排队而不能插队。 以上是由
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