工作环境用英语怎么说。William:You know there are 1,000 staff members in our company.Here is the R&D Department with 100 employees whohave contributed significantly to the development of a seriesof our products.你知道吗,我们公司有1000名员工。这是研发部,员工多达100名,他们对公司一系列产品的研发有着突出的贡献。Jim:It"s great!太棒了!William:And here is the HR Department which is in charge of therecruitment and training ofstaff members.这里是人力资源部,主要负责员工招募和培训。Jim:I see. I got the final offer from them after several rounds ofinterview.我明白,我是经过几轮面试才拿到后的录用通知的。William:Your excellent permance impressed them deeply. You arethe one we want.以上为韦博英语小编为你整理