
2023-04-28 10:37:08 来源:万能知识网


安排日程英语情景对话:事实上,商业是跨国家、跨州、跨城市的。无论是商人还是旅行人员都应该遵守另一个地区的文化习俗。另一种文化可能不喜欢不速之客,或者更喜欢有计划的时间表。所以无论是个人或是团体,公众形象都起着重要的作用。因此日程安排是商务活动中一个重要的部分。A: Good afternoon, Mr. Smith. Would you like me to give you the rundown of your itinerary now?B: Yes. Please come in, Annie.A: Mr.Smith. You will arrive at J. F. Kennedy Airport on July 10th and I"ve booked you into the Holiday Inn Hotel in Man-hattan.B: Wait, Annie. Did you tell me yesterday that you would book the Hilton Hotel for me?A: Yes, but I"m sorry to say that it"s fully booked, so I chose one in the same class for you. Will it be Okay?B: Fine, thanks. Please go on.A: During the next two days, you will go to the Convention Hall to visit the fair. On July 14th, you"ll have a meeting with Mr.White in the morning and Ms Johnson in the afternoon, Here"re their address and telephone numbers. The next day you will fly back home.B: Very good, Annie, I think you"ve applied the petty cash for my trip, haven"t you?A: Yes, I did, Here it is.B: Thank you. In addition, please send a fax to our US office informing Mr. Li. about my schedule, so that he may contact meduring my stay in the USA.A; Of course, sir, I"ll send it right away.A:下午好,史密斯先生。我现在向您简略报告一下您的日程,好吗?  B:好。请进来安妮。  A:史密斯先生,7月10日您会飞抵肯尼迪机场,我已为您订了曼哈顿的假日酒店。  B:等等,安妮,昨天你不是说会为我订希尔顿酒店吗?  A:是的,但是抱歉该酒店房间己订满,所以我为您选了一间同级酒店,这样安排可以吗?  B:好的,谢谢。请继续。  A:接下来的两天,您将到会议中心参观展览。在7月14日,早上要与怀特先生会面,下午约翰逊小姐会面。这是他们的联络地址和电话号码。第二天,您便搭机回家。  B:非常好,安妮。我想你已为我申请了旅程中需要的零用钱吧?  A:有的,这就是。  B;谢谢。另外,请发一份传真给美国办事处的李先生,将我的日程通知他,以便我在美国时与我联络。  A:当然,先生。我马上发。A: Good afternoon. Can I help you?B: Afternoon. I"d like to speak with Mr.Zhang, please.A: May I ask who"s calling please?B: This is Miss Annie. Mr. Zhang asked me to get in touch with him when I arrived in England.A: Please hold. I"ll tell Mr. Zhang you are calling.B: Thank you.C: Good afternoon, Miss Annie. This is Mr. Zhang. I"ve been looking forward to meeting you. When did you arrive in England?B: Last night. I"m sorry I didn"t tell you in advance since I"d been in a hurry.C: That"s all right. I"d like to meet you as soon as possible. Could you come over tomorrow afternoon?B: Yes, I"d like to.C: Where are you staying?B: I"m presently staying at the Holiday Orange.C: Our office is just behind the train station.B: How can I get there? Do I need to take a bus?C: No. I"ll send my secretary to pick you up at 4 : 00, so you can get more time to rest.B: Thank you very much.C: I"ll be waiting for you in my office.B: Thanks. See you tomorrow afternoon al five.A:下午好,请问您找谁?  B:下午好,请问张先生在吗?  A:请问您是?  B:我是安妮小姐,张先生告诉我要我到英国后给他去电话。  A:请稍等,不要挂电话。我去告诉张先生您来电话找他。  B:谢谢您。  C:安妮小姐,下午好,我是张先生。一直盼着和您见面。您是什么时间到达英国的?  B:昨天晚上。很抱歉我没事先通知您。因为走得太急。  C:没什么。我希望能尽早见到您。明天下午您能来这里吗?  B:是的,我也很想去见您。  C:您住在什么地方?  B:我现在住在桔子宾馆。  C:我们的办公室在火车站正前面。  B:我怎么能到那儿去?要乘车去吗?  C:不用,我让我的秘书4点去接您吧。这·样,您可以多一些时间休息。  B:谢谢。  C:我就在办公室等您啦。  B:谢谢。明天下午5:00见。A: See if you can arrange a meeting with marketing department this morning.B: When do you plan to meet them?A: Whatever is the most convenient time for them.B: Do you want to meet in your office or in a conference room?A: In my office.B: Who would you look forward to attend the meeting?A: Everyone in the department.B: Should I write down every word that everyone says?A: No,you needn"t. You just make a note of the topics that are discussed and the result of the discussion.B: And should I type out the minutes from the notes?A: Yes, of course.B:All right, I"ll see what I can do.A:看看你能否安排今天上午跟销售部门开个会。  B:您计划在什么时间见他们?  A:任何他们方便的时间都可以。  B:您想要在您的办公室还是在会议室开会?  A:在我办公室。  B:您希望谁来参加会议?  A:本部门的每个人都要来。  B:我要不要把每一个人的每句话都记下来?  A:不,没必要。你只要把讨论的题目和结果记下就行了。  B:我还要将会议笔记记录打印出来吗?  A:是的,当然要打印出来。  B:好的,我会尽量去做。
关键词: 史密斯
x 广告
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