
2023-05-01 10:46:00 来源:万能知识网


01.We confirm having placed an order with you for 100 tons green tea.   我们确认已向你方订购100吨绿茶。   02.How many do you intend to order?   这种产品你们想订多少?   03.We"ll order 1,000 suits.   我们就订购1000套吧。   04.We regret that we are not in a position to meet your requirements as for the time being orders have been fully booked.   很遗憾,因货已售罄,目前很难满足你方需求。   05.I hope this order is followed by many other orders.   我希望这个定单的后面还跟着许多定单。   06.Thank you for your order.   谢谢你们的定购。   07.We are inclined to place large orders with you.   我们想向你们大量订购。   08.I regret that I have to notify you of one order being cancelled.   非常遗憾,我方不得不通知贵方有一个定单需要取消。   09.We"ll send our official order today.   我们今天会寄上正式的订单。   10.Do you usually buy in large quantities?   你们的订购量通常都很大吗?   11.We don"t have any stock of the bicycles as you required.   我们没有你要的那种自行车现货。   12.If I place an order now, when would you be able to ship it?   如果现在下单子,什么时候可以出货?   13.Can you accept this order? It"s not a big one.   你们能否接受这份订单?数量不大。   14.Will you accept special order?   你们接受特殊订单吗?   15.What"s the minimum quantity of an order for your goods?   你们订货的低量是多少?
Placing an OrderBuyer: I"d like to order 500 pairs of Rainbow socks.   Seller: Rainbow socks are one of our best selling goods. They are out of stock at the moment.   Buyer: Are you expecting any to come in soon?   Seller: We expect to have them back in stock around May 10. However, we can provide you with another brand of similar quality.   Buyer: What"s the brand?   Seller: It"s Sunflower, also one of our best-selling goods, which we can sell for as low as US $1.5 each.   Buyer: I"d like to place a trial order for the Sunflower socks then.   Seller: That"s fine. How many would you like to order?   Buyer: 300. If the goods sell as well as we expect, we will send further orders in the near future.   Seller: OK.   Buyer: Please prepare the sales contract. After signing the contract, we will apply for the issuing of an L/C in your favor.   Seller:OK, I will prepare the sales contract as soon as we can. 下订单买方:我想订500双彩虹牌袜子。   卖方:彩虹牌袜子是我们这里卖得比较好的产品,现在暂时缺货。   买方:会很快进货吗?   卖方:我们预计在5月10号左右进货。不过,我们可以向您提供同样质量的另一种牌子的袜子。   买方:是什么牌子的?   卖方:向日葵牌,这也是我们的一个畅销货品。我们开价很低,每双1.5美元。   买方:我订购一些向日葵牌袜子做为试单吧。   卖方:好的。您要订多少?   买方:300双。如果货物的销售情况像我们预期的一样好,我们不久还会继续订购。   卖方:好的。   买方:请准备好销售合同。在签订好合同之后,我们将申请开出以你为受益人的信用证。   卖方:好的,我会尽快准备发合同的。   以上就是上海汉普森英语小编为大家整理下订单英语怎么说。平时多去英语角,多与人用英语聊天,创造多的情景对话,使用能飞英语学习软件创造近似真实的语言训练环境是练习英语会话的不二法门,小编建议您走出去参加英语角,或者参加上海汉普森英语口语培训班进行系统的学习。
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