
2023-05-02 10:39:51 来源:万能知识网


水上乐园是一处大型旅游场地,是主题公园的其中一种,多数娱乐设施与水有关,属于娱乐性的人工旅游景点。有游泳池,人工冲浪,水上橡皮筏、水上滑梯、水上冰山、水上UFO、香蕉船、水上排球场等。相关词汇artificial wave 人造海浪  coconut tree 椰树  CPR (cardiopulmonary resuscitation) 人工呼吸心肺复苏术.  dressing room 更衣室  driftage n. 水上漂流  drown v. (使)溺水  earplug n. 耳塞  flutter/floating board 浮板  inflatable armband 浮力臂圈  lifeguard n. 救生员  rubber boat 橡皮艇  shower room 淋浴室  sunburn v. & n.  晒伤  sunscreen/sunblock n. 防晒霜  suntan n. 晒黑,晒日光浴  swim ring 游泳圈  water park/world 水上乐园  water playground 水上游乐设施  water slide 滑水道  wave pool 造波池;波浪池情景对话:A: Goggles, swimming ring, sunscreen... Kelly, you bring so many things this time.  B: Yeah. I won"t swallow any pool water and get sunburned this time!  A: Good for you. It"s a nice day, so there must be many people playing in the water park.  B: Yes. Come on. Let"s go out.  A: Oh, there are so many people in the wave pool!  B: Yeah. It"s time for artificial waves to begin, and these people are just waiting for it.  A: Let"s join them.  B: Well, you know, I"m not good at swimming. I"m afraid I can"t control myself well in huge waves and will perhaps get drowned.  A: Don"t worry. Do you see the guys in yellow? They"re lifeguards here. If you have any trouble, they"ll help you.  B: You go ahead. I"ll go to take the driftage on the rubber boat.Let"s meet at the water slide over there an hour later.  A: Which water slide, the tallest one?  B: Yes. It"s said when you slide from the top of it, the speed will reach forty miles per hour. Do you want to try it?  A: Wow! That"s cool! I"ll try it.参考译文:A:泳镜、泳圈、防晒霜……凯莉,这次你带了这么多东西啊。  B:是啊.这次我可不想再喝游泳池的水或者被晒伤了!  A:做得好。今天的天气不错,水上乐园里一定有很多人。  B:是的。走吧,我们出去吧。  A:哦,造波池里好多人啊.  B:是啊。马上就到人造海浪的时间了。那些人都正等着呢。  A:我们也去吧。  B:你知道,我不太擅长游泳.我害怕在巨浪里控制不好会被水淹到。  A:别担心。你看见穿黄色衣服的那些人了吗?他们是这里的救生员。如果你遇到麻烦,他们会帮你的。  B:你去玩吧。我想去坐橡皮艇玩水上漂流。一小时后我们在那边的滑水道碰头吧。  A:哪条滑水道?是高的那条吗?  B:是的。据说从顶端滑下来的时候,时速能达到四十英里。你想试试吗?  A:哇,太酷了!我会去玩的.
关键词: 橡皮艇 水上乐园
x 广告
x 广告

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