
2023-05-06 10:59:03 来源:万能知识网


常用句子1. Is that Kate?是凯特吗?  2. May I speak to Kate?我可以跟凯特讲话吗?  3. I"m Lucy.我是露西。  4. I"m sorry to call you so late.对不起这么晚打电话来。  5. I hope I didn"t catch you at a bad time.抱歉这种时候找你。  6. Can I leave a message?我可以留言吗?  7. Could you ask her to call me back?可以请她给我回电话吗?  8. Let me call back later again. Thank you.我待会打给他,谢谢你!  9. It is nothing important.没什么重要事。  10. I"m sorry I have the wrong number.对不起,我打错电话了。  11. Could I check the number? Is it 2211一3344?我可以核实一下电话号码吗?2211-3344?  12. Please tell her Lucy called,请告诉她露西找她。  13. You are too nice. Thank you very much.你太好了,谢谢你。  14. Thank you, good-bye.谢谢您,再见。  15. This is an emergency. I need to get in touch with her right now.事情紧急,我需要立刻与她取得联系。情景对话A:Is that Tom?  是汤姆吗?  B:He is not here. Who is that speaking?  他不在。您是谁?  A:Lucy speaking. Where is he?  我是露西。他去哪了?  B:He has gone to the library.  他去图书馆了。  A:I have an emergency, Could you tell me when he comes back?  我有急事,您能告诉我他什么时候回来?  B:I am sorry. I have no idea.  对不起,我不知道。  A:Can I leave a message?  我可以给他留信息吗?  B:Of course.  当然可以。  A:Could you ask him to call me later?  您告诉他之后给我回电话好吗?  B:Sure. Anything else?  当然可以,还有其他事吗?  A:That"s all.  就这些。  B:I get it.  我知道了。  A:Thank you very much.  非常感谢你。  B:I get it.  我知道了。  A:Thank you very much.  非常感谢你。  B:My pleasure.  不用谢。
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