
2023-05-10 10:57:24 来源:万能知识网


当意外发生时,身边的你怎么急救?要做的是什么?学习一些急救小知识往往是非常有必要的。以下是由南昌美联英语小编为您整理的关于急救的英语对话。   Betty:Oh my god,are you okay?   Xin:My upper arm is bleeding. Ouch!It hurts. Don"t touch it. I need a doctor. Please call 911.   Betty:C"mon. It"s nothing serious. It"s just a cut. I have a firstaid kit under the seat of my bike. I"ll get it. Don"t move.   Xin: Really? I had no idea that you took a first aid kit.   You"re very thoughtful.   Betty: Oh, what a pity! There are just sonic tape and clothbandages in it. But don"t worry, I can halt the blood first. I"ll wrap a few loops of the bandages around your cut,and then twist it around. Tell me to stop when you feel it"s tight enough, ok?   Xin: OK... there, stop.   Betty: Well,do you feel better now?   Xin: Oh, much better now, though I still have a dull pain.   It"s so sweet of you!   Betty: Don"t mention it. I"ll take you to the Medical Treatment Room of our school,you need a further examination.   Xin: I can"t tell you how grateful I am for your help, but I can ride there by myself. Don"t worry about me.   Betty: No, I"ll be with you. You really need to be taken care of. Let"s go there right now. 翻译:贝蒂:天啊,你没事吧?   周新:我的胳膊流血了。哎哟,真疼!别碰它,我需要医生,快打911"贝蒂:行了吧,没什么事的,只是划伤而已。我车子座下面有个急救箱,我去拿。别动啊!   周新:真的吗?我真想不到你竟然还带着急救药箱。你真是太有心了。   贝蒂:哎呀,真可惜。只有胶带和一些布绷带了。不过不必担心,我先帮你止血。我在你伤口上绕上几圈绷带,然后绷紧。当你觉得足够紧时就喊停,行吗?   周新:好……,好了,停。   贝蒂:怎么样,觉得好些了吗?   周新:虽然还有点隐隐作痛,但已经好多了。太谢谢你了!   贝蒂:别客气。我带你去咱们学校的医疗室,你需要做进一步的检查。   周新:我真不知道该如何感谢你。但是我自己可以骑过去,不用担心我。   贝蒂:不,我和你一起去,你需要有人照顾。咱马上去吧! 常用句型:1. What happened?发生了什么事?   2. She cut herself badly on her finger and was bleeding heavily. 她割伤了手指,血流不止。   3. He badly sprained his ankle, grimacing in pain. 他扭伤了脚踩,疼得呲牙咧嘴。   4. She fell down the hike and broke her arm. 她从自行车上摔了下来,伤了胳膊。   5. She is choking on a fish bone.她被鱼刺卡住并导致窒息。   6. My nose is bleeding and the blood drips out onto my hand. 我流鼻血了,血都滴我手上了。   7. His clothes are on fire. / His house is on fire. 他的衣服着火了。她的房子着火了。   8. He was taken to the hospital for a snake bite. 他因遭蛇咬而被送往医院。 以上是由南昌美联英语小编为您整理的关于急救的英语对话的全部内容。
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