
2023-05-13 10:48:09 来源:万能知识网


1)We have a wide selection. Do you know if you"d like a point-and-shoot, or some-thing a little fancier? Are you shoppingfor yourself or for someone else?  我们有很多产品供你选择,你是想要买自动照相机还是价格高昂的相机?你是给自己买还是给别人买?  2) I"d recommend a nice entry-level digital SLR.  那我推荐这款人门级的数字单镜头反射式相机。  3) Can any accessories interest you?  我能说服你买些配件吗?  4) Do you know what kinds of camcorder are available?  您知道市而上都有哪些种摄像机可供选择?  5) Would you like to look at the new digital camcorders that have just come in?  您想不想看看刚推出的新款数码摄像机?  6) This Sony model is their newest and our most popular camcorder. Why don"t you see if you like the way it feel?  好的,这款索尼的是他们今年推出的新机型,也是我们这里卖的比较好的摄像机。如果你感兴趣的话可以看看。  7) It"s got an above-average battery life. It lasts up to 12 hours and can be charged in 30 minutes.  比一般电池寿命长,大概可以支撑12个小时,而且只需要充电30分钟。  8) I can show you examples of some footages that were taken with this camera in the dark.  我可以给您展示一些光线较暗时拍摄的片段。情景对话C: What are you looking for?  您想买点什么呢?  G: I want to buy a new camcorder for my trip this summer.  我想买一款新的摄像机.夏天出去旅游用。  C: Do you know what kinds of camcorder are available?  您知道市而上都有哪些种摄像机可供选择?  G: Not really. I thought I just have a look today.  不太清楚。我今天就是想先看看。  C: Would you like to look at the new digital camcorders that have just come in?  您想不想看看刚推出的新款数码摄像机?  G: Sure. I"d like to see the smallest camcorder that you have first.  好啊。我想先看看小的摄像机。  C: OK. This Sony model is their newest and our most popular camcorder. Why don"t you see if you like the way it feel?  好的.这款索尼的是他们今年推出的新机型,也是我们这里卖得比较好的摄像机。如果你感兴趣的话可以看看。  G: It"s very light. That is good. How is thebattery life?  真轻啊。好像不错。电池寿命怎么样?  C: It"s got an above-average battery life. It lasts up to 12 hours and can be charged in 30 mi-nutes.  比一般电池寿命长,大概可以支撑12个小时。而且只需要充电30分钟。  G: Can you also take still photos with this?  这个还可以静止拍照吧?  C: Yes, that is an option.  对,是个可选功能。  G: How about night vision? Can you use it in the dark?  夜间拍摄的效果怎么样?光线暗的地方可以用吗?  C: Yes. I can show you examples of some foot-ages which were taken with this camera in the dark.  可以。我可以给您展示一些光线较暗时拍摄的片段。  G: That"s not bad at all. How"s the microphone?Does it pick up much sound?  看起来很不错啊。麦克风怎么样?收音效果好吗?  C: It can record any sound that"s within about 8feet of the camera.  距离摄像机8英尺以内的声音都能收进去。  G: How does that compare with other models?  这款跟其他机型相比怎么样?  C: There are models that can pick up more sound than this one, but they"re much bigger and heavier than this one.  其他机型有比它收音效果更好的,但是比这款更大也更重。  G: Yes, I"ll take this one.  对的,我买这个了。
关键词: 摄像机
x 广告
x 广告

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