皮肤保养用英语怎么说呢?Realize How to Take Care of the Skin认识如何
护理皮肤A healthy skin is a source of pleasure, not only to its owner but also to the one who looks at it. You can become beautiful by following the right step. What you need is the right source of information for cleaning and beauty tips that will help you highlight your natural beauty.Since we always want to put our “best face forward” show to others, here are several suggestion that we compiled on how to properly take care your skin.Cleaning is often the core of beautiful face. Dirt, pollution, residual makeup, etc. can cause havoc to the skin leading to skin ailments and even hastening of the aging process. Use facial pore cleansers & scrubs when it comes to caring for your face. Some skin care face cleansers can be considered harsh when it comes to your skin care.Persevere in daily skin care. The skin of the face needs even more attention than the rest of the body because the face has more oil glands, especially the central forehead, eye areas, nose and chin. First decide the skin type you have and then find out what is the best way to look after your skin, and what products suit to you. You don’t need to have a medicine cabinet full of creams, sample several and simply pick the best for you.It is necessary to wear sunscreen products, even in the dead of winter you should never leave the house without some kind of sun protection. And exfoliating is also very important, our skin regenerates cells about every three weeks, leading to an accumulation of dead cells. Facials help get rid of them and making your skin look brighter and feel smoother.Start today for a more refreshed and beautiful you.护,保护也;肤,皮肤也;品,产品也。护肤品,是具有保护皮肤的护肤产品。随着社会经济的不断进步和物质生活的极大丰富,护肤品不再是过去只有富人才拥有的东西。护肤品已经走进了平常百姓家。它给人们的精神、形象提升起到了极大的作用。因为人的皮肤各有不同,有油性皮肤、干性皮肤、中性皮肤、混合型皮肤和过敏性皮肤之分,所以每一种护肤品的制造成分,根据不同的皮肤,性质也就不一样。