
2023-05-21 10:40:41 来源:万能知识网



A: I am so excited about our following visit一the Metropolitan Museum of Art! Yeah!B: I am afraid this voice will keep you away from that museum.A: Oh, I didn"t notice. OK, I"ll keep my voice down. So anything else I need to know?B: Don"t worry. We can go to the Visitor Service Center for help.A: OK, let"s go.C: Good morning, can I help you?B: Good morning. We are wondering if there is anything we need to pay attention to when we are in the museum.C: Yes. Do you have the tickets now?B: Yes, we have booked online.C: All right. Here are several helpful tips, like no food or drinks inside.A: That"s OK. Anything else?C: Yes, flash photography and video cameras cannot be used.B: I understand.

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x 广告
x 广告

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