
2023-05-22 10:35:39 来源:万能知识网


2008年8月17日上午,“水立方”最后一项男子4X100米混合泳接力决赛精彩上演,美国队以3分29秒34创造了新的世界纪录,获得金牌!这是美国队的胜利,更是被称为“外星人”的菲尔普斯的胜利!在“水立方”的9天里,菲尔普斯17次跃进泳池,狂揽8枚金牌,打破7项世界纪录,以14枚金牌成为奥运史上夺金最多的运动员。菲尔普斯在这座“水立方”的魔幻世界创造神话,缔造了不朽的奥运传奇!那么,菲尔普斯的英文介绍怎么写呢?About Phelps关于菲尔普斯Michael Fred Phelps is an American swimmer who has, overall, won 16 Olympic medals―six gold and two bronze at Athens in 2004, and eight gold at Beijing in 2008, becoming the most successful athlete at both of these Olympic Games editions. In doing so he has twice equaled the record eight medals of any type at a single Olympics achieved by Soviet gymnast Alexander Dityatin at the 1980 Moscow Summer Games. His five golds in individual events tied the single Games record set by Eric Heiden in the 1980 Winter Olympics and equaled by Vitaly Scherbo at the 1992 Summer Games. Phelps holds the record for the most gold medals won in a single Olympics, his eight at the 2008 Beijing Games surpassed American swimmer Mark Spitz’s seven-gold performance at Munich in 1972.Phelps’ Olympic medal total is second only to the 18 Soviet gymnast Larissa Latynina won over three Olympics, including nine gold. Furthermore, he holds the all-time record for most individual gold Olympic medals, at nine.Phelps’s international titles and record breaking performances have earned him the World Swimmer of the Year Award six times and American Swimmer of the Year Award eight times. He has won a total of fifty-nine medals in major international competition, fifty gold, seven silver, and two bronze spanning the Olympics, the World, and the Pan Pacific Championships. His unprecedented Olympic success in 2008 earned Phelps Sports Illustrated magazine’s Sportsman of the Year award.After the 2008 Summer Olympics, Phelps started the Michael Phelps Foundation, which focuses on growing the sport of swimming and promoting healthier lifestyles. As a participant in the US Anti-Doping Agency’s “Project Believe” program, Phelps is regularly tested to ensure that his system is clean of performance-enhancing drugs.迈克尔・菲尔普斯是罕见的游泳奇才。他已经被一些人视为他所从事的运动历史上最伟大的全能运动员。在2004年的美国选拔赛中,菲尔普斯取得了6个单人游泳项目的雅典奥运会参赛资格,这些项目包括了每种可能的游泳姿势。他最终获得了6枚奥运会金牌,2枚铜牌。在2008年北京奥运会上他又破纪录地独揽8枚金牌而震惊世界。15岁时崛起于世界泳坛,当时他成为入选美国奥运游泳队最年轻的选手,并在悉尼奥运会上获得200米蝶泳的第五名。之后,菲尔普斯就开始了在世界泳坛掠金夺银的惊人之旅。前美国游泳名将马克・施皮茨曾经在1972年慕尼黑奥运会上一人独得七枚金牌,对于打破已经沉寂了36年的单届奥运会7枚金牌纪录,菲尔普斯表示:“我已经说过,并且再次重申,我只想做第一个迈克尔・菲尔普斯,而不是第二个马克・施皮茨!”马克・施皮茨对菲尔普斯在北京奥运会上独得8枚金牌追平自己保持了36年的纪录这一表现只用了一句话来评价:史诗般的伟大。北京奥运会之后,时年23岁的菲尔普斯已经拥有14枚奥运会金牌,远远超过马克・施皮茨、拉里莎・拉特尼娜、帕沃・鲁米与卡尔・刘易斯所创造的奥运会9金纪录,成为夏季奥运会获得金牌总数最多的运动员。这将是后来者难以逾越的一座高峰。
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