
2023-05-23 10:58:01 来源:万能知识网


人们常说:性格决定命运,性格主宰人生。实际上,性格本身并无好坏之分,关键是我们要善于充分展现性格优势并加以运用,以期成为某一领域的核心人才! 常用例句1 .He doesn"t have his heart in the right place. He would find every opportunity to stab in the back of others.   他的心术不正,动不动就在别人的背后捅刀子。   2. Mike is so clever and efficient that he is promoted to manager of our department from an ordinary clerk within three years.   迈克聪明能干,三年内就从一名普通职员开升为我们的部门经理。   3. I"m really bored with his sitting there doing nothing but complaining. Nowonder both his manager and his colleagues don"t like him.   他坐在那里除了抱怨什么都不干,真烦人。难怪他的领导和同事都不喜欢他。   4. My sister had a gift for singing when she was a child. That"s why she chose to become a singer.   我姐姐从小就显示出了唱歌的天赋,这就是她选择当歌星的原因。   5. My father is quite a good man except for his quick temper, so he is not suitable for being a teacher.   我爸爸人很好,只是脾气有点急,所以不太适合当老师。  高频词汇背后捅刀子 stab in the back   晋升 promote   脾气急 quick temper   能干 efficient   抱怨 complain   适合 be suitable for   普通职员 ordinary clerk   天赋 gift  经典句式某人心术不正sb. doesn"t have one"s heart in the right place 动不动就做某事find every opportunity to do sth.   除了…什么都不干do nothing but doing sth. 以上是由上海小编为您整理的性格常用英语的全部内容。
关键词: 心术不正
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