
2023-05-28 10:59:06 来源:万能知识网


常用表达1.It may sound strange, but I don"t have a faith.  听起来也许觉得奇怪,但是我不信教。  2. Once a Christian in my class has invited me to go to church.  我们班上的一个基督教徒曾经邀请我去过一次教堂。  3. I"m too scientific minded to become religious.  我太理智了,不可能信教。  4. I make these visits as a kind of custom, not for faith.  我去那些地方只是一种习惯.不是出于信仰。  5. She told me she was a Christian.  她告诉我她是一个基督教徒。  6. Most people in this village are religious.  这个村庄里大部分人都信教。  7. I think that having a religion is more or less to make up for one"s inner emptiness.  我觉得信教多少是为了填补心灵的空虚。  8. Although I"m not religious, I like hymns and church music because they bring me inner peace and happiness.  我虽然不信教,但是我喜欢圣歌和宗教音乐,它们让我感到平静与欢乐。  9. I"ve been interested in Zen and if I have the chance I want to learn more about it.  我对禅宗一直感到好奇,有机会我要多研究。  10. Do you have a faith?  你有什么宗教信仰吗? 情景对话A: Extra! Extra!  B: Keep your voice down, Melinda. Didn"t you see Helena is taking a nap?  A: Allan was converted to Islam  B: Come on, Melinda. I"m working against the clock. This paper is due tomorrow. No time for your jokes.  A: It"s true. Allan was converted to Islam because of Jijila.  B: Allan is a devout Christian. Everybody knows that.  A: But Jijila and her family arc devout Muslims.  B: So? What does that have to do with Allan?  A: Don"t you understand? Allan is in love with Jijila. He wants to marry her.  B: Go on.  A: Jijila insisted that Allan should give up his religious beliefs, so Allan chose love and gave up his God.  B: He does love Jijila very much, eh? It"ll break Helena"s heart when she hears this.  A: Why? Was she involved?  B: No. She is a Buddhist. She was in love with Allan. Well, you know, she left Allan because he would neither convert to Buddhism nor accept her having her own religious beliefs  A:号外!号外!  B:小声点儿,梅琳达。你没看到海伦娜在睡午觉吗?  A:亚伦改信伊斯兰教了.  B:得了吧,梅琳达.我在赶工呢。这篇报告明天要交。我没时间听你说笑。  A:是真的。亚伦为了吉吉拉改信伊斯兰教。  B:亚伦是个虔诚的基苦徒,大家都知道.  A:但是吉吉拉和她的家人都是虔诚的伊斯兰教徒。  B:那又怎样?这和亚伦有什么关系?  A:你还不明白吗?亚伦爱上吉吉拉了,他想娶她.  说下去。  吉吉拉坚持亚伦放弃他的宗教信仰,所以亚伦就舍弃了他的上帝而选择了爱情。  B:他真的很爱吉吉拉.是吗?海伦娜知道了一定会心碎的。  A:为什么?她跟这件事有牵连吗?  B:没有。她是个佛教徒。以前她爱上过亚伦。你知道的,后来她离开了亚伦,因为亚伦既不肯改信佛教,又不接受她拥有自己的宗教信仰。
关键词: 海伦娜 伊斯兰教
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