
2023-06-01 10:52:04 来源:万能知识网


见到外国老朋友绝不能用“你吃了吗?”这样中国化的表达。那么如何跟他们打招呼呢?跟我一起来看看下面的几句话吧,肯定会让你在老外面前倍儿有面子。 常用例句1. Hi, Jack! How is everything with you?   你好!杰克,一切都好吗?   2. I"m sorry to hear that you"ve come down with the flu.   听说你感冒了,我很难过。   3. Never thought I"d bump into you here! How are you these days?   万万没想到在这里遇到你!近来好吗?   4. What have you been up to recently, Mike?   迈克,你近一直忙什么呢?   5. It"s been quite a while, hasn"t it? I had thought you would have a vacationsomewhere.   好久不见了,不是吗?我以为你去某地度假了呢。  高频词汇听说hear   感冒flu   遇到bump into /come across   某地somewhere   近recently   度假have a vacation   难过sorry   好久quite a while 经典句式得…病come down with...   万万没想到…Never thought...   听说…感到很难过be sorry to hear that...   一直在忙某事be up to doing sth. 以上是由上海小编为您整理的常用问候英语的全部内容。
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