
2023-06-02 14:21:13 来源:文旅中国



To many Chinese citizens, life really begins when night falls! From bustling restaurants to vibrant evening exhibitions and enriching cultural experiences, cities across the country start to buzz when the sun goes down. Where would you choose to spend your evenings in Jinan? To feel Jinan"s night culture,let"s go and tuck in!


A motley of hand-made ornaments and snacks adorn the stalls at the night market, drawing in an influx of residents and tourists.


Night markets are always the best places to feel the vibe of a city.Those sparkling little bulbs light up the stalls and streets, showcasing the warmth of the city and comforting every empty stomach and soul.The “Nighttime Economy” has not only reshaped the image of Jinan, but also driven the economic growth.


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