
2023-06-09 10:52:07 来源:万能知识网


所谓“春困秋乏夏打吨,睡不醒的冬三月”。对于某些夜猫子来说,早上起床一定是万分纠结的事吧!面对铃声大作的闹钟,起还是不起,That isa question!1.Time to get up, now.该起床了。A:John? Time to get up, now.  B:But I"m so tired.  甲:约翰,该起床了。  乙:可我好累啊。  ►与这句意思相近的句子还有:  It"s time to get up!  Time to get out of bed.2.Rise and shine.该起床了。A: Rise and shine.  B: What time is it now?  A: It"s 7 o"clock.  甲:该起床了。  乙:几点了?  甲:七点了。  ►与这句意思相近的句子还有:  It"s time to get up!  It"s time to wake up!  It"s time to get ready.3.Five more minutes.再睡五分钟。A:It"s time to wake up!  B: Five more minutes.  A:You have to get up now! You have a morning class.  甲: 该起床了。  乙:再睡五分钟。  甲:你必须现在就起!你早上有课。4.Why didn"t you wake me up? 你干吗不叫醒我?A: Why didn"t you wake me up?  B: I thought you don"t need to go to work today.  A: Oh, my god!  甲:你干吗不叫醒我,  乙:我以为你今天不用去上班。  甲:哦,天哪!5.I usually sleep late on Sunday.我通常在周日睡懒觉。A: I usually sleep late on Sunday.  B: So, what time do you get up on weekend?  A: Almost 10 o"clock.  甲:我通常在周日睡懒觉。  乙:那么,周末通常你都几点起床呢,  甲:大概十点吧。6.Did the alarm clock go off?闹钟响了吗?A: Did the alarm clock go off?  B: Yes. I saw you turn it off.  A: Really? I can"t remember.  甲:闹钟响了吗?  乙:响了,我看见你把它关掉的。  甲:是吗,我不记得了。7.Oh my God! I overslept!天哪,我睡过头了!A: What time is it?  B: Uh, 9:00  A: Oh my God!I overslept!  甲:几点了,  乙:呃,九点。  甲:天哪,我睡过头了,
关键词: 几点 响了 闹钟
x 广告
x 广告

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