今日聚焦!美术展览 英文

2023-06-15 10:52:15 来源:万能知识网


1.Exhibition展览会Is the exposition very crowded?/I would like to go to the exposition. Is the museum near here?/Where is theMunicipal Art Gallery?  When can I go inside there?/How late is the museum open?  May I go inside and look around?   Sarah:I"m sorry, Sam. I don"t want to go to the folk concert.对不起,山姆,我不想去听民间音乐会。  Sam:How about going to the theatre?去看戏怎么样?  Sarah:I don"t like going to the theatre.我不喜欢看戏。  Sam:Well, what do you like doing?那你愿意干什么呢?  Sarah:Travelling, swimming, going to the cinema. And you?旅行,游泳,看电影,你呢?  Sam:I like painting, sailing, watching football and talking to you.我喜欢绘画,帆船运动,看足球赛,再就是和你聊天。  Sarah:I like talking to you, too.我也喜欢和你聊天。  Sam:Do you want to go to an exhibition?There is one at the Xing Hai Exhibition Hall tomorrow.你愿意去看展览吗?明天在星海会展中心有.一个新展览。  Sarah:That"s a good idea.好主意。2.Tickets门票Is the admission for this gallery free?  How much is the admission fee?3.Directory and guide目录与指南Do you have a Chinese edition of this?  Where is the exhibition guide?  Do you have any catalogues of the pictures here?  May I have a pamphlet? 4. Inquiry询问Do you have a bookshop in this gallery?  Do you sell picture cards?/Is it all right to take pictures?  Where will I find the pictures of Picasso?  May:Wow!I can"t believe I"m standing here!哇,我简直不能相信我站在这儿。  Benjamin:What are you so excited about?你怎么如此兴奋?  May:I"m standing in front of an exquisite work of art!我可是站在一幅精美的艺术作品前面。  Benjamin:What"s the big deal?It"s just a picture of some woman.这有什么了不起?只是某位女士的肖像画而已。  May:I"ve seen it so many times in books, but I never imagined I"d get to see it in person.我在书本上看到很多次,但没想到可以亲眼见到。  Benjamin:There are tons of other paintings that I think are bette。我想比这好的不计其数。  May:Maybe so, but do you have any idea how much this one is worth?可能是的。但是你知道这幅画值多少钱吗?  Benjamin:No, how much is it worth?不知道,值多多少钱?  May:About 80 million dollars.大概8000万美元。  Benjamin:Whoa.哇。
关键词: 和你 山姆 看戏
x 广告
x 广告

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