鸡尾酒会 英语 每日热闻

2023-06-25 10:59:31 来源:万能知识网


为商务和社文的目的举行鸡尾酒会是很普遍的事。酒会可能是非正式的,也可能是正式的,而且经常在晚上六点至八点间举行。酒会上通常会招待各种饮料、开胃小吃或点心。 喝杯杜松子酒A:Hi!I"m happy you could make it.   B:Well,I"ve been looking forward to seeing you.   A:What can I get you?   B:I"d love a gin and tonic.   A:嗨!很高兴您能来这儿。   B:我一直在盼望看到您。   A:想来点什么吗?   B:来杯奎宁杜松子酒吧。   喝杯苏打水A:Come in. It"s nice to see you again.   B:It"s nice to be here.   A:Would you care for a drink?   B:Just a club soda for me,please.   A:请进。再次见到您真是太好了。   B:到这儿来我也很高兴。   A:想来点什么喝的吗?   B:来杯苏打水就可以了。   喝杯啤酒A:Hello. It"s a pleasure to see you again.   B:Thank you. I"ve been looking forward to your party.   A:You"ll have a drink,won"t you?   A:I think I"ll have a beer,if you have any.   A:你好,很高兴能再次见到你。   B:谢谢。我一直盼望来参加你的妻会。   A:喝点东西吧,怎么样?   B:如果有啤酒的话,我想来点。   喝杯白酒A: Good evening,I"m so happy you could come.   B:Thank you for inviting me.   A:What would you like to drink?   B:A glass of white wine would be fine, thank you.   A:晚上好,很高兴您能来。   B;谢谢邀请我来。   A:想喝点什么吗?   B:来杯白酒就好了,谢谢。   喝酒庆祝A:Mr. Wilson I"m very glad we reached the agreement at last. Now I"d like to propose a toast to the further development of our cooperation.   B:I"m very delighted too. I"m sure that we"ll have a wider range of cooperation. So,let"s drink to the signing of our contract.   A:Bottoms up!   B: Cheers.   A:我非常高兴我们终达成了协议,威尔逊先生。让我提议为我们之间的进一步合作干杯!   B:我也很高兴。我相信我们之间会有更广泛的合作。来,让我们为签订合同干杯!   A:干杯!   B:干杯! 以上是由小编为您整理的鸡尾酒会 英语的全部内容。
关键词: 鸡尾酒会 很高 喝杯
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