
2023-06-30 10:45:59 来源:万能知识网


情景对话A: Hello, may I help you?  B: Yes, I"m interested in the advertisement you"ve put up(张贴).I"d like to see whatthe room for rent(出租)looks like.  A: Well, let me show you the room. This way, please. Here you are.  B: It"s clean and bright. And the living room is larger than I expected. How nice! It isexactly what I"m looking for.  A: I"m glad you like it.  B: How much would you charge me then?  A: The monthly rent(月租)is $700 with a $200 deposit if you think that"s all right.  B: Are the utilities included in the rent?  A: You have to pay electricity. Gas and water is included. The heat and stove work(运转)by gas.  B: When can I move in?  A: Anytime if you would like.  B: How about this Saturday?  A: OK. I"ll be expecting you here around nine on Saturday morning.  B: See you then  A:你好,有什么要帮忙的?  B:我对你们张贴的招租广告很感兴趣。我想看下出租的房间是什么样的?  A:哦,我带你去看看房间。请这边走。到了。  B:房间又干净、又明亮。客厅比我原先想的要大。太好了,这正是我想找的地方。  A:我很高兴你喜欢这房间.  B:你打算收多少房租呢?  A:如果你认为可以的话,侮月租金700美元,还要交200美元的押金。  B:房租中包括水、电和煤气费吗?  A:你得付电费。煤气费和水费都包含在内了。暖气和炉子都是用煤气的。  B:我什么时候可以搬来?  A:你想什么时候来都行。  B:这个周六上午行吗?  A:好啊。周六上午九点左右我这里等你。  B:到时候见。单词过关advertisement 广告;公告  rent 租金  expect 预期:期待  exactly 确切地;正好地  charge 索价;控告;指责;充电  deposit 押金  utility 公用事业;公用设施经典句型1 .Do you have to pay utilities on top of your monthly rent?  除月租金外,还要另外交水电费吗?  语言贴士:on top of此处用法有些特别,表示“在……之外”“另外”。  2. The house is fully furnished and the$700 rent includes all utilities.  这个房子配备所有家具,700美元的租金包括水、电、气所有费用。  3. You must pay one month refundable deposit in advance.  你得预先付一个月可退还的押金。  4. Do you still have a one bedroom apartment for rent?  你们还有单间房屋出租吗?  5. I"d like an apartment with two bedrooms and one bath.  我想要两居室带浴室的。
关键词: 押金 房间 什么时候
x 广告
x 广告

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