美联英语为您提供各种商务函电的范文及常用句式,本篇告诉您英语推荐信怎么写 当你向某人推荐一种产品、一个地方或者一个人时,你应该: 1.指出你推荐的是什么。 2.解释你欣赏所推荐事物的理由。 3.说出所推荐事物的与众不同之处。 4.指出为什么对方也会喜欢该事物。 常用句型Useful Sentences
Formal正式的1. I wish to recommend…我想推荐…… 2. I take pleasure in recommending…我很高兴地向你推荐…… 3. Having been to… I would recommend…曾经……我要推荐…… 4. It is an excellent…这是一个很出色的…… 5. I can only say that you would not be disappointed with…我只能说,你不会对……失望的。 6. Guaranteed.有确保的/保你满意。 7. Top quality.质量一流。
Informal非正式的1. You should really try…你真的应该试试…… 2. I really liked…我很喜欢…… 3. I think you would like…我想你会喜欢…… 4. I"m sure you would not be disappointed with…我肯定你不会对……失望的。 5. All my friends really love it.我所有的朋友都很喜欢它。 6. It"s cool.酷毙了。 7. It will really knock your socks off.它真的会让你大开眼界。
Subject : Re : Purchase of color copy machinesDear Mr. Wu. You asked for my opinion on the best color copy machines for us to purchase.In my previous job I worked extensively with the Canon line of photocopy machines, and had nothing but good experiences. The machines are top quality and Canon"s service contract covers even trivial problems. I have no connection to Canon, and recommend their product solely on its merit. I heartily recommend the Canon color copiers for our office copier purchase. They are a sound investment. Please let me know what you decide on this matter. Best regards, Lily Hsanc
主题:回复:购买彩色复印机亲爱的吴先生: 你曾就我们应该购买哪个牌子的彩色复印机之事询问过我。我在过去的工作中曾广泛地使用过一系列的佳能复印机,它们给我留下的印象都非常好。主机的质量是一流的,而且佳能的售后服务也相当地细微周到。我与佳能公司没有任何关系,推荐他们的产品只是基于其产品本身的优点。我衷心地推荐佳能彩色复印机作为我们办公室的复印机采购对象。购买它们是万无一失的投资。关于此事的决定,烦请告知。 此致 敬礼! 丽丽·常