
2023-07-07 10:47:25 来源:万能知识网


computer configuration电脑配置1 computer memory计算机内存;计算机存储器.  2 video card显卡  3 system 系统  4 driver 驱动程序  5 version 版本记忆点拨device driver设备驱动程序  driver circuit驱动电路  printer driver打印机驱动程序 单词延伸1 computer memory  memory space存储空间  internal storage内部存储器  storage space存储空间  mobile HDD移动硬盘  2 video card  sound card声卡  memory card存储卡  storage card存储卡  audio card声卡  3 system  systemize 使……系统化;把……分类;组织化.  systematize 使系统化;使组织化;将……分类.  systematism 组织化;系统化;制度化;组织主义.  systematic 系统的;体系的;有系统的  4 driver  disc drive磁盘驱动器  USB drive随身碟;U(优)盘  drive program驱动程序  drover 家畜商人;牲畜贩子  5 version  home version家庭版  enterprise version企业版  ultimate version旗舰版  professional edition专业版本情境记忆Over time, the price of computer memory would begin to fall and storage capacity increase.  随着时间的推移,计算机内存的价格将越来越低而存储能力将不断提高。  Obviously, you need a microphone and a sound card.  显然还需要一个麦克风和一个声卡。  Make sure there is at least one picture in storage card.  要确保存储卡上至少有一个图片。  Viruses tend to be good at surviving when a computer system crashes.  病毒往往在电脑系统瘫痪时仍然存在。  You need to systematize your approach to problem solving.  你需要用有条理的方法解决问题。  They went about their business in a systematic way.  他们按部就班地做生意。  Printer driver software includes standard features such as print lay out and fit-to-page printing.  打印机驱动程序软件包含标准功能,比如打印版面设定和符合纸张大小的打印。
关键词: 声卡 组织 存储卡
x 广告
x 广告

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