
2023-07-08 10:54:23 来源:万能知识网



classical music 古典音乐


folk music 民间音乐

country music 乡村音乐

light music 轻音乐

traditional music 传统音乐

pop music 流行音乐

rock and roll 摇滚乐

dance music 舞曲

jazz 爵士乐

campus song 校园歌曲

art song 艺术歌曲

lyric 歌词

Peking Opera 京剧

music hall 音乐会

concert tour 巡回演唱会

melody 旋律

composer 作曲家

singing idol 歌星偶像

piano 钢琴

violin 小提琴

guitar 吉他

accordion 手风琴

erhu 二胡

pipa 琵琶

flute 笛子

waist drum 腰鼓


acoustics(声学),the scientific study of sound;

aeronautics(航空学,航空术),the science of designing and flying airplanes;

aesthetics,esthetics(美学,审美学),the study of beauty, especially beauty in art;

dietetics(营养学),the science that is concerned with what people eat and drink and how this affects their health;

genetics(遗传学),the study of how the qualities of living things are affected and passed on by genes;

linguistics(语言学),the study of language in general and of particular languages, their structure, grammar, and history;

logistics(后勤学),the study or skill of moving soldiers, supplying them with food etc.;

orthodontics(畸齿矫正术,正齿学),the practice or skill of making teeth move into the right position when they have not been growing correctly。

astronomy(天文学),the scientific study of the stars and planets;

gastronomy(美食学,烹饪法),the art and science of cooking and eating good food;

botany(植物学),the scientific study of plants;



adman [ˈædmæn]n.广告人

bidder [ˈbidə]n.投标者

client [ˈklaiənt]n.客户

potential customer [pəˈtenʃəl] [ˈkʌstəmə]n.潜在客户

skilled labor [skild][ˈleibə]n.熟练工人

business owner = employer [ˈbiznis] [ˈəunə] = [imˈplɔiə]老板

business conference [ˈbiznis] [ˈkɔnfərəns] =seminar[ˈseminɑ:]n.会议

industrial revolution [inˈdʌstriəl] [ˌrevəˈlu:ʃən]n.工业革命,产业革命

industry [ˈindəstri]n.产业,工业

infrastructure [ˈinfrəˌstrʌktʃə]n.基础设施

industry cluster: [ˈindəstri] [ˈklʌstə]n.产业集群

alliance [əˈlaiəns]=federation [ˌfedəˈreiʃən]n.联盟

collaborate [kəˈlæbəreit]vi.合作;协作

urbanization [ˌəːbənaiˈzeiʃən]n.都市化


flourish ["flauriʃ]n. 兴旺;茂盛


poverty [ˈpɔvəti]n.贫困

boom and bust [bu:m] [ænd] [bʌst] 繁荣与萧条


out of business歇业,破产

outofwork [aut] [əv, ə, ɔv] [wə:k]n.失业

Great Depression [greit] [diˈpreʃən]n.大萧条

dotcom crash [ðə][dɒtˈkɒm] [kræʃ]n.互联网泡沫

tulip mania[ˈtju:lip] [ˈmeiniə]n.狂热

irrational [iˈræʃənəl]adj.不理性的

sophisticated [sə"fɪstɪkeɪtɪd]adj.世故的,老练的;复杂的,尖端的

speculation [ˌspekjuˈleiʃən]n.投机

conflict [kən"flikt,"kɔnflikt]n.冲突


panic [ˈpænik]n.恐慌


关键词: 托福 听力 学科
x 广告
x 广告

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