莫奈英文怎么读呢?About Monet关于莫奈Claude Monet, born Oscar Claude Monet, was a founder of French impressionist painting, and the most consistent and prolific practitioner of the movement’s philosophy of expressing one’s perceptions before nature, especially as applied to plein-air landscape painting. The term Impressionism is derived from the title of his painting Impression, Sunrise (Impression, soleil levant).Oscar-Claude Monet was born November 14, 1840 in Paris, France, the second son of Claude-Adolphe and Louise-Justine Aubrée Monet. In 1845, the Monets moved to the port town of Saint-Adresse, near Le Havre. Young Claude obtained his “classical” education at La Havre’s secondary school.Around 1856 or 1857, Monet began taking pastel and oil painting lessons from Eugene Boudin. Boudin, who worked primarily outdoors, encouraged Monet to do the same. Monet later said, “Suddenly the veil was torn away... My destiny as a painter opened out to me.” For the next 60 years he explored the effects of light on outdoor scenes. He was the first artist to let his initial impressions stand as completed works, rather than as “notes” done in preparation for work in the studio. In 1859, Monet moved to Paris to pursue his art, where he met and befriended Camille Pissarro and Edouard Manet.In 1874, Monet and a group of painters including Pissarro and Pierre-Auguste Renoir banded together to form a society of artists. They gave a public exhibition of their work at the studio of a Paris photographer. Monet exhibited a painting called Impression: Sunrise. His painting gave the group its name, coined in derision by critic Louis Leroy referring to the entire exhibition as “Impressionistic.” Despite the financial failure of this first exhibit, the Impressionist continued to exhibit together until 1886.莫奈是印象主义的创始人之一,是印象主义大师中最有影响的一位。在有代表性的印象派画家中,唯有莫奈以其86岁的漫长人生始终如一地将创作热情倾注在印象派技法上。其他的印象派画家,都是短期的探索者,像虽然没有参加过印象派八次画展却被视为印象派领袖和奠基人的画家马奈;而擅长于画人物的雷诺阿在他的艺术人生中,前期和后期是从事印象派探索时期,中间十几年的时间里,则将热情转向了古典主义。莫奈常常可以从普通的风景中挖掘其魅力。他观察景物细致入微,对光线的变化十分敏锐。他可以就同一处场景画出十几幅作品。如《谷堆》、《睡莲》等。而这仅仅是为了表现同一场景的不同天气、光线下的不同表象,这是其他画家很难做到的。莫奈像个隐士,有时有很强的孤独感。这一方面由于他的性格使然,他生性沉默寡言,喜爱思索:另一方面,因为他是印象派中的先行者,当他不得不单枪匹马奋力前行的时候,自然有一种寂寞寥落的感觉。