美容护肤 英语

2023-07-10 10:55:09 来源:万能知识网


每天的脏空气、彩妆以及皮肤本身的分泌物,都会在皮肤表面形成覆盖,以致于阴塞毛孔的通畅,进而造成皮肤的不健康。所以脸部护理是极其重要的事情,你需要采取健康的生活方式和每天规律的日常护理。 常用句子You really need to take care of your skin. It"s too dry.  你该好好护理你的皮肤了,它太干燥了。  You have oily skin, and you need to use this oil-free toner.  你属于油性皮肤,应该用这种无油成分的化妆水。  My cheeks are so dry that .can see the wrinkles.  我的脸颊很干燥,都可以看到皱纹了。  How do you keep your skin so smooth?  你是怎么让皮肤保持得这么光滑的?  Anything else I can do for you?  我还能为您做些什么吗?  I want a facial.  我想做面部美容。  Most facials start with a thorough cleansing.  面部美容大多需要先彻底清洁面部皮肤。  I"ll take the half-hour facial with make-up.  我要做半小时美容外加化妆。  I always put some milk into my bath. That"s my secret to keep my skin smooth.  我总是放一些牛奶来泡澡,那是我保持皮肤光滑的秘诀喔!  Do you offer facials?  你们有面部护理的服务吗?  I want a face massage.  我要做一下面部按摩。  Please keep in mind that my skin is very sensitive.  请注意我的皮肤比较敏感。  Will you exfoliate my skin?  你要给我的皮肤去角质吗?  My skin looks so dull. What kind of facial treatment will improve it?  我的肤色看起来好黯淡。哪一种面部护理可以改善?  Is facial steam good for the acne-prone skin?  蒸脸对长痘痘的肌肤有好处吗?  I"ll try a deep-cleansing facial to get rid of the filth and grease.  我想尝试一下深层清洁护理来去除皮肤中的油污。 情景对话Customer:I"d like a facial.  Beautician:Which kind would you like? We have five different varieties of facials.  Customer:Which would you recommend?  Beautician:Well, since it"s summer and it looks like you"ve had quite a bit of sun, I"d recommend our summer special. It"s especially suited for individuals with sensitive skin.  Customer:What does it include?  Beautician:The facial will start with a thorough cleansing.  Customer:Does it include a facial mask and a massage?  Beautician:Yes. The reviving mask will promote blood circulation and tighten the skin. You can also choose to get a hand or back massage as well.  Customer:Will you exfoliate the skin as well?  Beautician:Yes. We"ll also apply a special Day Cream that will protect the skin from the sun and Night Cream that will moisturize the skin.  Customer:That sounds great.  顾客:我想做个面部护理。  美容师:您想做哪种?我们有五种不同的护理。  顾客:你推荐哪一种?  美容师:因为现在是夏季,而且看起来您好像晒了太多的太阳。所以我推荐我们的夏季特选。特别适合肌肤敏感的人。  顾客:都包括什么?  美容师:面部护理从面部的彻底清洁开始。  顾客:有面膜和按摩吗?  美容师:有。这种活肤面膜不但会促进血液循环,还可以紧致肌肤。您还可以选择手部按摩或是背部按摩。  顾客:你也会给我去角质吗?  美容师:是的,而且我们还会使用特别配方的日霜,保护肌肤不被日光晒伤,还有晚霜给皮肤补充水分。  顾客:听起来不错。
关键词: 面部 皮肤 美容师
x 广告
x 广告

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