
2023-07-12 10:42:57 来源:万能知识网


学习商务英语首先要把英语口语学好,那你知道商务英语情景对话有哪些吗?下面是广州韦博小编整理的商务英语情景对话范文,一起来看看吧! 商务英语情景对话范文一: 客人: I"d like to have this document translated into French. 我想请人把这份文件翻译成法语。 服务员: No problem, sir. When do you want it? 没有问题。您什么时候要? 客人: The day after tomorrow. How much is the service? 后天。请问多少钱? 服务员: Here is a price list for you. 给您价目单。 客人: Excuse me. Can you get this business card printed for me? 劳驾,你可以帮我印些名片吗? 服务员: Sure, sir. How many do you need? 当然可以,先生。您要复印多少? 客人: One hundred. 100张。 商务英语情景对话范文二: 萨姆: Have you discussed our most recent proposal with your senior management? 你和你的上级管理层讨论过我们的新提议了吗? 弗兰克: Yes, but they are as yet unwilling to agree to each term of the contract. 是的。但是他们迄今不同意各项合同条款。 萨姆: But are they willing to continue negotiations to try and find a mutually beneficial outcome? 但是他们愿意继续谈判以求找到一种双方互利的结果吗? 弗兰克: Yes. But there is another problem. 是的。但是还有一个问题。 萨姆: Which is? 什么? 弗兰克: They have asked to delay the next round of negotiations. 他们已经要求推迟下一轮谈判。 关于商务预约的英语情景对话: A:I"d like to make an appointment with manager Mr.Wu. Would 10:00 a.m. tomorrow be all right? A:我想与经理吴先生约见,明天上午10点行吗? B:l"m afraid not. He has a meeting tomorrow morning. B:恐怕不行,他明天上午有一个会议。 A:Could I possibly make it early in the afternoon? A:我可以约在下午早些时候吗? B:No, that"s not good either. But give me your phone number and I"ll call you if somebody cancels. B:也不行,不过请您把电话号码留给我,如果有人取消约会,我就打电话通知您。 A:Thank you very much. A:非常感谢。
关键词: 商务英语 情景 萨姆
x 广告
x 广告

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