
2023-07-29 10:54:39 来源:万能知识网


每到季节交替之时,各种过季商品打折处理已成规律,利用机会选购价格和质量都满意的商品,既可以买到有用的东西,还可以节约开支。常用句子What style do you prefer?  你喜欢哪种风格?  What about its pattern?  你觉得它的款式怎样?  We just want to look around.  我们只想随便看看。  Can you give me some advice?  你能给我些建议吗?  It"s a real bargain!  真便宜!  Is this the discounted price?  这是打折后的价格吗?  Is this the sale price?  这是减价后的价格吗?  Could you tell me where the fitting room is?  能告诉我试衣间在哪吗?  Take your time, please.  请慢慢看。  That"s not quite what I had in mind.  和我想要的不太一样。  We should look around some more.  我们应该再看看其他的。  It goes well with my jeans.  它跟我的牛仔裤很配。  This dress is sold at thirty percent off the regular price.  这条裙子现在打7折。  Could you come down on the price a bit?  你可以便宜一点吗?  Will you give me a better price?  价格能再便宜点吗?  Can you make it cheaper?  能再便宜点吗? 情景对话Sherry:Irene, this pink dress looks good on you!Take it!  Irene:What"s the rush? We should shop around for the best deal. Many stores have stuff on sale at the weekend.  Sherry:Oh, look!There"s a clearance sale. Maybe we"ll come across some real bargains.  Irene:Let"s look around and pick up some trendy shirts.  Sherry:I think I like these pants.  Irene:Check out the price tag! It costs 300 dollars. What a rip-off!  Sherry:Then let"s go window-shopping.  雪丽:艾琳,你穿这件粉色裙子很不错啊!把它买了吧!  艾琳:急什么啊?我们应该货比三家挑选比较好的,周末好多商店都在打折呢。  雪丽:哦,瞧!那有清仓销售,也许我们能碰到物美价廉的东西呢。  艾琳:咱们去看看,挑选些流行的衬衫。  雪丽:我觉得我喜欢这裤子。  艾琳:看清楚价格标签!要300美元呢,这简直就是敲诈!  雪丽:那咱们还是随便逛逛吧。
关键词: 价格 这是 艾琳
x 广告
x 广告

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